Hengband  2.2.1
main-win.c ファイル

Windows版固有実装(メインエントリポイント含む) [詳解]

#include "angband.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "inet.h"
#include "cmd-dump.h"
#include "view-mainwindow.h"
#include "floor.h"
#include "floor-events.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "scores.h"
#include "quest.h"
#include "core.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "term.h"
main-win.c の依存先関係図:



Hengband Team @detail


Windows98かその前後の頃を起点としたAPI実装。 各種のゲームエンジンは無論、 DirectXといった昨今描画に標準的となったライブラリも用いていない。 タイルの描画処理などについては、現在動作の詳細を検証中。


Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, Skirmantas Kligys, and others

This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are included in all such copies.

This file helps Angband work with Windows computers.

To use this file, use an appropriate "Makefile" or "Project File", make sure that "WINDOWS" and/or "WIN32" are defined somewhere, and make sure to obtain various extra files as described below.

The official compilation uses the CodeWarrior Pro compiler, which includes a special project file and precompilable header file.

<del>See also "main-dos.c" and "main-ibm.c".</del>

The "lib/user/pref-win.prf" file contains keymaps, macro definitions, and/or color redefinitions.

The "lib/user/font-win.prf" contains attr/char mappings for use with the normal "lib/xtra/font/*.fon" font files.

The "lib/user/graf-win.prf" contains attr/char mappings for use with the special "lib/xtra/graf/*.bmp" bitmap files, which are activated by a menu item.

Compiling this file, and using the resulting executable, requires several extra files not distributed with the standard Angband code. If "USE_GRAPHICS" is defined, then "readdib.h" and "readdib.c" must be placed into "src/", and the "8X8.BMP" bitmap file must be placed into "lib/xtra/graf". In any case, some "*.fon" files (including "8X13.FON" if nothing else) must be placed into "lib/xtra/font/". If "USE_SOUND" is defined, then some special library (for example, "winmm.lib") may need to be linked in, and desired "*.WAV" sound files must be placed into "lib/xtra/sound/". All of these extra files can be found in the "ext-win" archive.

The "Term_xtra_win_clear()" function should probably do a low-level clear of the current window, and redraw the borders and other things, if only for efficiency.

A simpler method is needed for selecting the "tile size" for windows.

The various "warning" messages assume the existance of the "screen.w" window, I think, and only a few calls actually check for its existance, this may be okay since "NULL" means "on top of all windows". (?) The user must never be allowed to "hide" the main window, or the "menubar" will disappear.

Special "Windows Help Files" can be placed into "lib/xtra/help/" for use with the "winhelp.exe" program. These files may be available at the ftp site somewhere, but I have not seen them.

Initial framework (and most code) by Ben Harrison (benh@.nosp@m.phia.nosp@m.l.com).

Original code by Skirmantas Kligys (kligy.nosp@m.s@sc.nosp@m.f.usc.nosp@m..edu).

Additional code by Ross E Becker (becke.nosp@m.rr@c.nosp@m.is.oh.nosp@m.io-s.nosp@m.tate..nosp@m.edu), and Chris R. Martin (crm74.nosp@m.79@t.nosp@m.am200.nosp@m.0.ta.nosp@m.mu.ed.nosp@m.u).