Hengband  2.1.4
variable.c ファイル

グローバル変数定義 / Angband variables [詳解]

#include "angband.h"
variable.c の依存先関係図:


const cptr copyright [5]
 コピーライト情報 / Hack – Link a copyright message into the executable [詳解]
int max_macrotrigger = 0
 現在登録中のマクロ(トリガー)の数 [詳解]
cptr macro_template = NULL
 Angband設定ファイルのT: タグ情報から読み込んだ長いTコードを処理するために利用する文字列ポインタ [詳解]
cptr macro_modifier_chr
 &x# で指定されるマクロトリガーに関する情報を記録する文字列ポインタ [詳解]
cptr macro_modifier_name [MAX_MACRO_MOD]
 マクロ上で取り扱う特殊キーを文字列上で表現するためのフォーマットを記録した文字列ポインタ配列 [詳解]
cptr macro_trigger_name [MAX_MACRO_TRIG]
 マクロのトリガーコード [詳解]
cptr macro_trigger_keycode [2][MAX_MACRO_TRIG]
 マクロの内容 [詳解]
int level_up = 0
 レベルアップの際に遅延してcalc_mana()関数上で上昇量を表示するかどうかの判定フラグ [詳解]
int max_autopick = 0
 現在登録している自動拾い/破壊設定の数 [詳解]
int max_max_autopick = 0
 自動拾い/破壊設定の限界数 [詳解]
autopick_typeautopick_list = NULL
 自動拾い/破壊設定構造体のポインタ配列 [詳解]
byte h_ver_major
byte h_ver_minor
byte h_ver_patch
byte h_ver_extra
byte sf_extra
byte z_major
byte z_minor
byte z_patch
u32b sf_system
u32b sf_when
u16b sf_lives
u16b sf_saves
bool arg_fiddle
bool arg_wizard
bool arg_sound
bool arg_music
byte arg_graphics
bool arg_monochrome
bool arg_force_original
bool arg_force_roguelike
bool arg_bigtile = FALSE
bool character_generated
bool character_dungeon
bool character_loaded
bool character_saved
bool character_icky
bool character_xtra
bool creating_savefile
u32b seed_flavor
u32b seed_town
s16b command_cmd
s16b command_arg
s16b command_rep
s16b command_dir
s16b command_see
s16b command_wrk
s16b command_gap = 999
s16b command_new
bool msg_flag
s16b running
s16b resting
s16b cur_hgt
s16b cur_wid
s16b dun_level
s16b num_repro
s16b object_level
s16b monster_level
s16b base_level
s32b turn
 画面表示上のゲーム時間基準となるターン / Current game turn [詳解]
s32b turn_limit
 turnの最大値 / Limit of game turn [詳解]
s32b dungeon_turn
 NASTY生成の計算に関わる内部ターン値 / Game turn in dungeon [詳解]
s32b dungeon_turn_limit
 dungeon_turnの最大値 / Limit of game turn in dungeon [詳解]
s32b old_turn
s32b old_battle
bool use_sound
bool use_music
bool use_graphics
bool use_bigtile = FALSE
s16b signal_count
bool inkey_base
bool inkey_xtra
bool inkey_scan
bool inkey_flag
bool get_com_no_macros = FALSE
s16b coin_type
bool opening_chest
bool shimmer_monsters
bool shimmer_objects
bool repair_monsters
bool repair_objects
s16b inven_nxt
bool hack_mind
bool hack_mutation
s16b inven_cnt
s16b equip_cnt
s16b o_max = 1
s16b o_cnt = 0
s16b m_max = 1
s16b m_cnt = 0
s16b hack_m_idx = 0
s16b hack_m_idx_ii = 0
bool multi_rew = FALSE
char summon_kin_type
int total_friends = 0
s32b friend_align = 0
int leaving_quest = 0
bool reinit_wilderness = FALSE
bool rogue_like_commands
bool always_pickup
bool carry_query_flag
bool quick_messages
bool auto_more
bool command_menu
bool other_query_flag
bool use_old_target
bool always_repeat
bool confirm_destroy
bool confirm_wear
bool confirm_quest
bool target_pet
bool easy_open
bool easy_disarm
bool easy_floor
bool use_command
bool over_exert
bool numpad_as_cursorkey
bool center_player
bool center_running
bool view_yellow_lite
bool view_bright_lite
bool view_granite_lite
bool view_special_lite
bool view_perma_grids
bool view_torch_grids
bool view_unsafe_grids
bool view_reduce_view
bool fresh_before
bool fresh_after
bool fresh_message
bool hilite_player
bool display_path
bool plain_descriptions
bool plain_pickup
bool always_show_list
bool depth_in_feet
bool show_labels
bool show_weights
bool show_item_graph
bool equippy_chars
bool display_mutations
bool compress_savefile
bool abbrev_extra
bool abbrev_all
bool exp_need
bool ignore_unview
bool stack_force_notes
bool stack_force_costs
bool expand_list
bool small_levels
bool always_small_levels
bool empty_levels
bool bound_walls_perm
bool last_words
bool send_score
bool allow_debug_opts
bool find_ignore_stairs
bool find_ignore_doors
bool find_cut
bool check_abort
bool flush_failure
bool flush_disturb
bool disturb_move
bool disturb_high
bool disturb_near
bool disturb_pets
bool disturb_panel
bool disturb_state
bool disturb_minor
bool ring_bell
bool disturb_trap_detect
bool alert_trap_detect
bool manual_haggle
bool easy_band
bool smart_learn
bool smart_cheat
bool vanilla_town
bool lite_town
bool ironman_shops
bool ironman_small_levels
bool ironman_downward
bool ironman_empty_levels
bool ironman_rooms
bool ironman_nightmare
bool left_hander
bool preserve_mode
bool autoroller
bool autochara
bool powerup_home
bool show_ammo_detail
bool show_ammo_no_crit
bool show_ammo_crit_ratio
bool destroy_items
bool destroy_feeling
bool destroy_identify
bool leave_worth
bool leave_equip
bool leave_chest
bool leave_wanted
bool leave_corpse
bool leave_junk
bool leave_special
bool record_fix_art
bool record_rand_art
bool record_destroy_uniq
bool record_fix_quest
bool record_rand_quest
bool record_maxdepth
bool record_stair
bool record_buy
bool record_sell
bool record_danger
bool record_arena
bool record_ident
bool record_named_pet
char record_o_name [MAX_NLEN]
s32b record_turn
bool cheat_peek
bool cheat_hear
bool cheat_room
bool cheat_xtra
bool cheat_know
bool cheat_live
bool cheat_save
bool cheat_diary_output
bool cheat_turn
byte hitpoint_warn
byte mana_warn
byte delay_factor
bool autosave_l
bool autosave_t
s16b autosave_freq
bool closing_flag
s16b panel_row_min
s16b panel_row_max
s16b panel_col_min
s16b panel_col_max
s16b panel_col_prt
s16b panel_row_prt
s16b target_who
s16b target_col
s16b target_row
int player_uid
int player_euid
int player_egid
char player_base [32]
char savefile [1024]
char savefile_base [40]
s16b lite_n
s16b lite_y [LITE_MAX]
s16b lite_x [LITE_MAX]
s16b mon_lite_n
s16b mon_lite_y [MON_LITE_MAX]
s16b mon_lite_x [MON_LITE_MAX]
s16b view_n
byte view_y [VIEW_MAX]
byte view_x [VIEW_MAX]
s16b temp_n
byte temp_y [TEMP_MAX]
byte temp_x [TEMP_MAX]
s16b redraw_n = 0
byte redraw_y [REDRAW_MAX]
byte redraw_x [REDRAW_MAX]
s16b macro__num
char * macro__buf
s16b quark__num
u32b message__next
u32b message__last
u32b message__head
u32b message__tail
char * message__buf
u32b option_flag [8]
u32b option_mask [8]
u32b window_flag [8]
u32b window_mask [8]
termangband_term [8]
const char angband_term_name [8][16]
byte angband_color_table [256][4]
const cptr angband_sound_name [SOUND_MAX]
const cptr angband_music_basic_name [MUSIC_BASIC_MAX]
cave_typecave [MAX_HGT]
saved_floor_type saved_floors [MAX_SAVED_FLOORS]
s16b max_floor_id
u32b saved_floor_file_sign
s16bmproc_list [MAX_MTIMED]
s16b mproc_max [MAX_MTIMED]
u16b max_towns
s16b alloc_kind_size
s16b alloc_race_size
byte misc_to_attr [256]
char misc_to_char [256]
byte tval_to_attr [128]
char tval_to_char [128]
cptr keymap_act [KEYMAP_MODES][256]
player_type p_body
player_typep_ptr = &p_body
const player_sexsp_ptr
const player_racerp_ptr
const player_classcp_ptr
const player_seikakuap_ptr
const player_magicmp_ptr
birther previous_char
char * v_name
char * v_text
char * f_name
char * f_tag
char * k_name
char * k_text
char * a_name
char * a_text
char * e_name
char * e_text
char * r_name
char * r_text
char * d_name
char * d_text
cptr ANGBAND_SYS = "xxx"
cptr ANGBAND_GRAF = "ascii"
bool item_tester_full
bool item_tester_no_ryoute = FALSE
byte item_tester_tval
bool(* item_tester_hook )(object_type *)
bool(* ang_sort_comp )(vptr u, vptr v, int a, int b)
void(* ang_sort_swap )(vptr u, vptr v, int a, int b)
monster_hook_type get_mon_num_hook
monster_hook_type get_mon_num2_hook
bool(* get_obj_num_hook )(int k_idx)
bool monk_armour_aux
bool monk_notify_aux
wilderness_type ** wilderness
building_type building [MAX_BLDG]
u16b max_quests
u16b max_r_idx
u16b max_k_idx
u16b max_v_idx
u16b max_f_idx
u16b max_a_idx
u16b max_e_idx
u16b max_d_idx
u16b max_o_idx
u16b max_m_idx
s32b max_wild_x
s32b max_wild_y
char quest_text [10][80]
int quest_text_line
s16b gf_color [MAX_GF]
int init_flags
int highscore_fd = -1
int mutant_regenerate_mod = 100
bool can_save = FALSE
s16b world_monster
bool world_player
int cap_mon
int cap_mspeed
int cap_hp
int cap_maxhp
u16b cap_nickname
s16b battle_mon [4]
int sel_monster
int battle_odds
int kakekin
u32b mon_odds [4]
int pet_t_m_idx
int riding_t_m_idx
s16b kubi_r_idx [MAX_KUBI]
s16b today_mon
bool write_level
u32b playtime
u32b start_time
int tsuri_dir
bool sukekaku
bool new_mane
bool mon_fight
bool ambush_flag
bool generate_encounter
cptr screen_dump = NULL
s16b feat_none
s16b feat_floor
s16b feat_glyph
s16b feat_explosive_rune
s16b feat_mirror
door_type feat_door [MAX_DOOR_TYPES]
s16b feat_up_stair
s16b feat_down_stair
s16b feat_entrance
s16b feat_trap_open
s16b feat_trap_armageddon
s16b feat_trap_piranha
s16b feat_rubble
s16b feat_magma_vein
s16b feat_quartz_vein
s16b feat_granite
s16b feat_permanent
s16b feat_glass_floor
s16b feat_glass_wall
s16b feat_permanent_glass_wall
s16b feat_pattern_start
s16b feat_pattern_1
s16b feat_pattern_2
s16b feat_pattern_3
s16b feat_pattern_4
s16b feat_pattern_end
s16b feat_pattern_old
s16b feat_pattern_exit
s16b feat_pattern_corrupted
s16b feat_black_market
s16b feat_town
s16b feat_deep_water
s16b feat_shallow_water
s16b feat_deep_lava
s16b feat_shallow_lava
s16b feat_dirt
s16b feat_grass
s16b feat_flower
s16b feat_brake
s16b feat_tree
s16b feat_mountain
s16b feat_swamp
s16b feat_undetected
byte dungeon_type
s16b feat_wall_outer
s16b feat_wall_inner
s16b feat_wall_solid
s16b floor_type [100]
s16b fill_type [100]
bool now_damaged
s16b now_message
bool use_menu
bool browsing_movie
travel_type travel
int snipe_type = SP_NONE
bool reset_concent = FALSE
bool is_fired = FALSE


グローバル変数定義 / Angband variables

Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke

This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
are included in all such copies. Other copyrights may also apply.


◆ a_info

artifact_type* a_info

◆ a_name

char* a_name

◆ a_text

char* a_text

◆ abbrev_all

bool abbrev_all

◆ abbrev_extra

bool abbrev_extra

◆ alert_trap_detect

bool alert_trap_detect

◆ alloc_kind_size

s16b alloc_kind_size

◆ alloc_kind_table

alloc_entry* alloc_kind_table

◆ alloc_race_size

s16b alloc_race_size

◆ alloc_race_table

alloc_entry* alloc_race_table

◆ allow_debug_opts

bool allow_debug_opts

◆ always_pickup

bool always_pickup

◆ always_repeat

bool always_repeat

◆ always_show_list

bool always_show_list

◆ always_small_levels

bool always_small_levels

◆ ambush_flag

bool ambush_flag

◆ ang_sort_comp

bool(* ang_sort_comp) (vptr u, vptr v, int a, int b)

◆ ang_sort_swap

void(* ang_sort_swap) (vptr u, vptr v, int a, int b)

◆ angband_color_table

byte angband_color_table[256][4]
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
{0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF},
{0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80},
{0x00, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00},
{0x00, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40},
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF},
{0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40},
{0x00, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0},
{0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF},
{0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00},
{0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF},
{0x00, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x40}




























cptr ANGBAND_GRAF = "ascii"



◆ angband_music_basic_name

const cptr angband_music_basic_name[MUSIC_BASIC_MAX]

◆ angband_sound_name

const cptr angband_sound_name[SOUND_MAX]


cptr ANGBAND_SYS = "xxx"

◆ angband_term

term* angband_term[8]

◆ angband_term_name

const char angband_term_name[8][16]

◆ ap_ptr

const player_seikaku* ap_ptr

◆ arg_bigtile

bool arg_bigtile = FALSE

◆ arg_fiddle

bool arg_fiddle

◆ arg_force_original

bool arg_force_original

◆ arg_force_roguelike

bool arg_force_roguelike

◆ arg_graphics

byte arg_graphics

◆ arg_monochrome

bool arg_monochrome

◆ arg_music

bool arg_music

◆ arg_sound

bool arg_sound

◆ arg_wizard

bool arg_wizard

◆ auto_more

bool auto_more

◆ autochara

bool autochara

◆ autopick_list

autopick_type* autopick_list = NULL


◆ autoroller

bool autoroller

◆ autosave_freq

s16b autosave_freq

◆ autosave_l

bool autosave_l

◆ autosave_t

bool autosave_t

◆ base_level

s16b base_level

◆ battle_mon

s16b battle_mon[4]

◆ battle_odds

int battle_odds

◆ bound_walls_perm

bool bound_walls_perm

◆ browsing_movie

bool browsing_movie

◆ building

◆ can_save

bool can_save = FALSE

◆ cap_hp

int cap_hp

◆ cap_maxhp

int cap_maxhp

◆ cap_mon

int cap_mon

◆ cap_mspeed

int cap_mspeed

◆ cap_nickname

u16b cap_nickname

◆ carry_query_flag

bool carry_query_flag

◆ cave

◆ center_player

bool center_player

◆ center_running

bool center_running

◆ character_dungeon

bool character_dungeon

◆ character_generated

bool character_generated

◆ character_icky

bool character_icky

◆ character_loaded

bool character_loaded

◆ character_saved

bool character_saved

◆ character_xtra

bool character_xtra

◆ cheat_diary_output

bool cheat_diary_output

◆ cheat_hear

bool cheat_hear

◆ cheat_know

bool cheat_know

◆ cheat_live

bool cheat_live

◆ cheat_peek

bool cheat_peek

◆ cheat_room

bool cheat_room

◆ cheat_save

bool cheat_save

◆ cheat_turn

bool cheat_turn

◆ cheat_xtra

bool cheat_xtra

◆ check_abort

bool check_abort

◆ closing_flag

bool closing_flag

◆ coin_type

s16b coin_type

◆ command_arg

s16b command_arg

◆ command_cmd

s16b command_cmd

◆ command_dir

s16b command_dir

◆ command_gap

s16b command_gap = 999

◆ command_menu

bool command_menu

◆ command_new

s16b command_new

◆ command_rep

s16b command_rep

◆ command_see

s16b command_see

◆ command_wrk

s16b command_wrk

◆ compress_savefile

bool compress_savefile

◆ confirm_destroy

bool confirm_destroy

◆ confirm_quest

bool confirm_quest

◆ confirm_wear

bool confirm_wear

◆ copyright

const cptr copyright[5]
"Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Keoneke",
"This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,",
"and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement",
"are included in all such copies."

コピーライト情報 / Hack – Link a copyright message into the executable

◆ cp_ptr

const player_class* cp_ptr

◆ creating_savefile

bool creating_savefile

◆ cur_hgt

s16b cur_hgt

◆ cur_wid

s16b cur_wid

◆ d_info

◆ d_name

char* d_name

◆ d_text

char* d_text

◆ delay_factor

byte delay_factor

◆ depth_in_feet

bool depth_in_feet

◆ destroy_feeling

bool destroy_feeling

◆ destroy_identify

bool destroy_identify

◆ destroy_items

bool destroy_items

◆ display_mutations

bool display_mutations

◆ display_path

bool display_path

◆ disturb_high

bool disturb_high

◆ disturb_minor

bool disturb_minor

◆ disturb_move

bool disturb_move

◆ disturb_near

bool disturb_near

◆ disturb_panel

bool disturb_panel

◆ disturb_pets

bool disturb_pets

◆ disturb_state

bool disturb_state

◆ disturb_trap_detect

bool disturb_trap_detect

◆ dun_level

s16b dun_level

◆ dungeon_turn

s32b dungeon_turn

NASTY生成の計算に関わる内部ターン値 / Game turn in dungeon

◆ dungeon_turn_limit

s32b dungeon_turn_limit

dungeon_turnの最大値 / Limit of game turn in dungeon

◆ dungeon_type

byte dungeon_type

◆ e_info

ego_item_type* e_info

◆ e_name

char* e_name

◆ e_text

char* e_text

◆ easy_band

bool easy_band

◆ easy_disarm

bool easy_disarm

◆ easy_floor

bool easy_floor

◆ easy_open

bool easy_open

◆ empty_levels

bool empty_levels

◆ equip_cnt

s16b equip_cnt

◆ equippy_chars

bool equippy_chars

◆ exp_need

bool exp_need

◆ expand_list

bool expand_list

◆ f_info

feature_type* f_info

◆ f_name

char* f_name

◆ f_tag

char* f_tag

◆ feat_black_market

s16b feat_black_market

◆ feat_brake

s16b feat_brake

◆ feat_deep_lava

s16b feat_deep_lava

◆ feat_deep_water

s16b feat_deep_water

◆ feat_dirt

s16b feat_dirt

◆ feat_door

◆ feat_down_stair

s16b feat_down_stair

◆ feat_entrance

s16b feat_entrance

◆ feat_explosive_rune

s16b feat_explosive_rune

◆ feat_floor

s16b feat_floor

◆ feat_flower

s16b feat_flower

◆ feat_glass_floor

s16b feat_glass_floor

◆ feat_glass_wall

s16b feat_glass_wall

◆ feat_glyph

s16b feat_glyph

◆ feat_granite

s16b feat_granite

◆ feat_grass

s16b feat_grass

◆ feat_magma_vein

s16b feat_magma_vein

◆ feat_mirror

s16b feat_mirror

◆ feat_mountain

s16b feat_mountain

◆ feat_none

s16b feat_none

◆ feat_pattern_1

s16b feat_pattern_1

◆ feat_pattern_2

s16b feat_pattern_2

◆ feat_pattern_3

s16b feat_pattern_3

◆ feat_pattern_4

s16b feat_pattern_4

◆ feat_pattern_corrupted

s16b feat_pattern_corrupted

◆ feat_pattern_end

s16b feat_pattern_end

◆ feat_pattern_exit

s16b feat_pattern_exit

◆ feat_pattern_old

s16b feat_pattern_old

◆ feat_pattern_start

s16b feat_pattern_start

◆ feat_permanent

s16b feat_permanent

◆ feat_permanent_glass_wall

s16b feat_permanent_glass_wall

◆ feat_quartz_vein

s16b feat_quartz_vein

◆ feat_rubble

s16b feat_rubble

◆ feat_shallow_lava

s16b feat_shallow_lava

◆ feat_shallow_water

s16b feat_shallow_water

◆ feat_swamp

s16b feat_swamp

◆ feat_town

s16b feat_town

◆ feat_trap_armageddon

s16b feat_trap_armageddon

◆ feat_trap_open

s16b feat_trap_open

◆ feat_trap_piranha

s16b feat_trap_piranha

◆ feat_tree

s16b feat_tree

◆ feat_undetected

s16b feat_undetected

◆ feat_up_stair

s16b feat_up_stair

◆ feat_wall_inner

s16b feat_wall_inner

◆ feat_wall_outer

s16b feat_wall_outer

◆ feat_wall_solid

s16b feat_wall_solid

◆ fill_type

s16b fill_type[100]

◆ find_cut

bool find_cut

◆ find_ignore_doors

bool find_ignore_doors

◆ find_ignore_stairs

bool find_ignore_stairs

◆ floor_type

s16b floor_type[100]

◆ flush_disturb

bool flush_disturb

◆ flush_failure

bool flush_failure

◆ fresh_after

bool fresh_after

◆ fresh_before

bool fresh_before

◆ fresh_message

bool fresh_message

◆ friend_align

s32b friend_align = 0

◆ generate_encounter

bool generate_encounter

◆ get_com_no_macros

bool get_com_no_macros = FALSE

◆ get_mon_num2_hook

monster_hook_type get_mon_num2_hook

◆ get_mon_num_hook

monster_hook_type get_mon_num_hook

◆ get_obj_num_hook

bool(* get_obj_num_hook) (int k_idx)

◆ gf_color

s16b gf_color[MAX_GF]

◆ h_ver_extra

byte h_ver_extra

◆ h_ver_major

byte h_ver_major

◆ h_ver_minor

byte h_ver_minor

◆ h_ver_patch

byte h_ver_patch

◆ hack_m_idx

s16b hack_m_idx = 0

◆ hack_m_idx_ii

s16b hack_m_idx_ii = 0

◆ hack_mind

bool hack_mind

◆ hack_mutation

bool hack_mutation

◆ highscore_fd

int highscore_fd = -1

◆ hilite_player

bool hilite_player

◆ hitpoint_warn

byte hitpoint_warn

◆ ignore_unview

bool ignore_unview

◆ init_flags

int init_flags

◆ inkey_base

bool inkey_base

◆ inkey_flag

bool inkey_flag

◆ inkey_scan

bool inkey_scan

◆ inkey_xtra

bool inkey_xtra

◆ inven_cnt

s16b inven_cnt

◆ inven_nxt

s16b inven_nxt

◆ inventory

object_type* inventory

◆ ironman_downward

bool ironman_downward

◆ ironman_empty_levels

bool ironman_empty_levels

◆ ironman_nightmare

bool ironman_nightmare

◆ ironman_rooms

bool ironman_rooms

◆ ironman_shops

bool ironman_shops

◆ ironman_small_levels

bool ironman_small_levels

◆ is_fired

bool is_fired = FALSE

◆ item_tester_full

bool item_tester_full

◆ item_tester_hook

bool(* item_tester_hook) (object_type *)

◆ item_tester_no_ryoute

bool item_tester_no_ryoute = FALSE

◆ item_tester_tval

byte item_tester_tval

◆ k_info

object_kind* k_info

◆ k_name

char* k_name

◆ k_text

char* k_text

◆ kakekin

int kakekin

◆ keymap_act

cptr keymap_act[KEYMAP_MODES][256]

◆ kubi_r_idx

s16b kubi_r_idx[MAX_KUBI]

◆ last_words

bool last_words

◆ leave_chest

bool leave_chest

◆ leave_corpse

bool leave_corpse

◆ leave_equip

bool leave_equip

◆ leave_junk

bool leave_junk

◆ leave_special

bool leave_special

◆ leave_wanted

bool leave_wanted

◆ leave_worth

bool leave_worth

◆ leaving_quest

int leaving_quest = 0

◆ left_hander

bool left_hander

◆ level_up

int level_up = 0


◆ lite_n

s16b lite_n

◆ lite_town

bool lite_town

◆ lite_x

s16b lite_x[LITE_MAX]

◆ lite_y

s16b lite_y[LITE_MAX]

◆ m_cnt

s16b m_cnt = 0

◆ m_info

player_magic* m_info

◆ m_list

monster_type* m_list

◆ m_max

s16b m_max = 1

◆ macro__act

cptr* macro__act

◆ macro__buf

char* macro__buf

◆ macro__cmd

bool* macro__cmd

◆ macro__num

s16b macro__num

◆ macro__pat

cptr* macro__pat

◆ macro_modifier_chr

cptr macro_modifier_chr

&x# で指定されるマクロトリガーに関する情報を記録する文字列ポインタ

◆ macro_modifier_name

cptr macro_modifier_name[MAX_MACRO_MOD]


◆ macro_template

cptr macro_template = NULL

Angband設定ファイルのT: タグ情報から読み込んだ長いTコードを処理するために利用する文字列ポインタ

◆ macro_trigger_keycode

cptr macro_trigger_keycode[2][MAX_MACRO_TRIG]


◆ macro_trigger_name

cptr macro_trigger_name[MAX_MACRO_TRIG]


◆ mana_warn

byte mana_warn

◆ manual_haggle

bool manual_haggle

◆ max_a_idx

u16b max_a_idx

◆ max_autopick

int max_autopick = 0


◆ max_d_idx

u16b max_d_idx

◆ max_dlv

s16b* max_dlv

◆ max_e_idx

u16b max_e_idx

◆ max_f_idx

u16b max_f_idx

◆ max_floor_id

s16b max_floor_id

◆ max_k_idx

u16b max_k_idx

◆ max_m_idx

u16b max_m_idx

◆ max_macrotrigger

int max_macrotrigger = 0


◆ max_max_autopick

int max_max_autopick = 0


◆ max_o_idx

u16b max_o_idx

◆ max_quests

u16b max_quests

◆ max_r_idx

u16b max_r_idx

◆ max_towns

u16b max_towns

◆ max_v_idx

u16b max_v_idx

◆ max_wild_x

s32b max_wild_x

◆ max_wild_y

s32b max_wild_y

◆ message__buf

char* message__buf

◆ message__head

u32b message__head

◆ message__last

u32b message__last

◆ message__next

u32b message__next

◆ message__ptr

u32b* message__ptr

◆ message__tail

u32b message__tail

◆ misc_to_attr

byte misc_to_attr[256]

◆ misc_to_char

char misc_to_char[256]

◆ mon_fight

bool mon_fight

◆ mon_lite_n

s16b mon_lite_n

◆ mon_lite_x

s16b mon_lite_x[MON_LITE_MAX]

◆ mon_lite_y

s16b mon_lite_y[MON_LITE_MAX]

◆ mon_odds

u32b mon_odds[4]

◆ monk_armour_aux

bool monk_armour_aux

◆ monk_notify_aux

bool monk_notify_aux

◆ monster_level

s16b monster_level

◆ mp_ptr

const player_magic* mp_ptr

◆ mproc_list

s16b* mproc_list[MAX_MTIMED]

◆ mproc_max

s16b mproc_max[MAX_MTIMED]

◆ msg_flag

bool msg_flag

◆ multi_rew

bool multi_rew = FALSE

◆ mutant_regenerate_mod

int mutant_regenerate_mod = 100

◆ new_mane

bool new_mane

◆ now_damaged

bool now_damaged

◆ now_message

s16b now_message

◆ num_repro

s16b num_repro

◆ numpad_as_cursorkey

bool numpad_as_cursorkey

◆ o_cnt

s16b o_cnt = 0

◆ o_list

object_type* o_list

◆ o_max

s16b o_max = 1

◆ object_level

s16b object_level

◆ old_battle

s32b old_battle

◆ old_turn

s32b old_turn

◆ opening_chest

bool opening_chest

◆ option_flag

u32b option_flag[8]

◆ option_mask

u32b option_mask[8]

◆ other_query_flag

bool other_query_flag

◆ over_exert

bool over_exert

◆ p_body

player_type p_body

◆ p_ptr

player_type* p_ptr = &p_body

◆ panel_col_max

s16b panel_col_max

◆ panel_col_min

s16b panel_col_min

◆ panel_col_prt

s16b panel_col_prt

◆ panel_row_max

s16b panel_row_max

◆ panel_row_min

s16b panel_row_min

◆ panel_row_prt

s16b panel_row_prt

◆ pet_t_m_idx

int pet_t_m_idx

◆ plain_descriptions

bool plain_descriptions

◆ plain_pickup

bool plain_pickup

◆ player_base

char player_base[32]

◆ player_egid

int player_egid

◆ player_euid

int player_euid

◆ player_uid

int player_uid

◆ playtime

u32b playtime

◆ powerup_home

bool powerup_home

◆ preserve_mode

bool preserve_mode

◆ previous_char

birther previous_char

◆ quark__num

s16b quark__num

◆ quark__str

cptr* quark__str

◆ quest

quest_type* quest

◆ quest_text

char quest_text[10][80]

◆ quest_text_line

int quest_text_line

◆ quick_messages

bool quick_messages

◆ r_info

monster_race* r_info

◆ r_name

char* r_name

◆ r_text

char* r_text

◆ record_arena

bool record_arena

◆ record_buy

bool record_buy

◆ record_danger

bool record_danger

◆ record_destroy_uniq

bool record_destroy_uniq

◆ record_fix_art

bool record_fix_art

◆ record_fix_quest

bool record_fix_quest

◆ record_ident

bool record_ident

◆ record_maxdepth

bool record_maxdepth

◆ record_named_pet

bool record_named_pet

◆ record_o_name

char record_o_name[MAX_NLEN]

◆ record_rand_art

bool record_rand_art

◆ record_rand_quest

bool record_rand_quest

◆ record_sell

bool record_sell

◆ record_stair

bool record_stair

◆ record_turn

s32b record_turn

◆ redraw_n

s16b redraw_n = 0

◆ redraw_x

byte redraw_x[REDRAW_MAX]

◆ redraw_y

byte redraw_y[REDRAW_MAX]

◆ reinit_wilderness

bool reinit_wilderness = FALSE

◆ repair_monsters

bool repair_monsters

◆ repair_objects

bool repair_objects

◆ reset_concent

bool reset_concent = FALSE

◆ resting

s16b resting

◆ riding_t_m_idx

int riding_t_m_idx

◆ ring_bell

bool ring_bell

◆ rogue_like_commands

bool rogue_like_commands

◆ rp_ptr

const player_race* rp_ptr

◆ running

s16b running

◆ s_info

skill_table* s_info

◆ saved_floor_file_sign

u32b saved_floor_file_sign

◆ saved_floors

◆ savefile

char savefile[1024]

◆ savefile_base

char savefile_base[40]

◆ screen_dump

cptr screen_dump = NULL

◆ seed_flavor

u32b seed_flavor

◆ seed_town

u32b seed_town

◆ sel_monster

int sel_monster

◆ send_score

bool send_score

◆ sf_extra

byte sf_extra

◆ sf_lives

u16b sf_lives

◆ sf_saves

u16b sf_saves

◆ sf_system

u32b sf_system

◆ sf_when

u32b sf_when

◆ shimmer_monsters

bool shimmer_monsters

◆ shimmer_objects

bool shimmer_objects

◆ show_ammo_crit_ratio

bool show_ammo_crit_ratio

◆ show_ammo_detail

bool show_ammo_detail

◆ show_ammo_no_crit

bool show_ammo_no_crit

◆ show_item_graph

bool show_item_graph

◆ show_labels

bool show_labels

◆ show_weights

bool show_weights

◆ signal_count

s16b signal_count

◆ small_levels

bool small_levels

◆ smart_cheat

bool smart_cheat

◆ smart_learn

bool smart_learn

◆ snipe_type

int snipe_type = SP_NONE

◆ sp_ptr

const player_sex* sp_ptr

◆ stack_force_costs

bool stack_force_costs

◆ stack_force_notes

bool stack_force_notes

◆ start_time

u32b start_time

◆ sukekaku

bool sukekaku

◆ summon_kin_type

char summon_kin_type

◆ target_col

s16b target_col

◆ target_pet

bool target_pet

◆ target_row

s16b target_row

◆ target_who

s16b target_who

◆ temp_n

s16b temp_n

◆ temp_x

byte temp_x[TEMP_MAX]

◆ temp_y

byte temp_y[TEMP_MAX]

◆ today_mon

s16b today_mon

◆ total_friends

int total_friends = 0

◆ town

town_type* town

◆ travel

travel_type travel

◆ tsuri_dir

int tsuri_dir

◆ turn

s32b turn

画面表示上のゲーム時間基準となるターン / Current game turn

◆ turn_limit

s32b turn_limit

turnの最大値 / Limit of game turn

◆ tval_to_attr

byte tval_to_attr[128]

◆ tval_to_char

char tval_to_char[128]

◆ use_bigtile

bool use_bigtile = FALSE

◆ use_command

bool use_command

◆ use_graphics

bool use_graphics

◆ use_menu

bool use_menu

◆ use_music

bool use_music

◆ use_old_target

bool use_old_target

◆ use_sound

bool use_sound

◆ v_info

vault_type* v_info

◆ v_name

char* v_name

◆ v_text

char* v_text

◆ vanilla_town

bool vanilla_town

◆ view_bright_lite

bool view_bright_lite

◆ view_granite_lite

bool view_granite_lite

◆ view_n

s16b view_n

◆ view_perma_grids

bool view_perma_grids

◆ view_reduce_view

bool view_reduce_view

◆ view_special_lite

bool view_special_lite

◆ view_torch_grids

bool view_torch_grids

◆ view_unsafe_grids

bool view_unsafe_grids

◆ view_x

byte view_x[VIEW_MAX]

◆ view_y

byte view_y[VIEW_MAX]

◆ view_yellow_lite

bool view_yellow_lite

◆ wilderness

wilderness_type** wilderness

◆ window_flag

u32b window_flag[8]

◆ window_mask

u32b window_mask[8]

◆ world_monster

s16b world_monster

◆ world_player

bool world_player

◆ write_level

bool write_level

◆ z_major

byte z_major

◆ z_minor

byte z_minor

◆ z_patch

byte z_patch