Hengband  2.1.4
1 /*!
2  * @file types.h
3  * @brief グローバルな構造体の定義 / global type declarations
4  * @date 2014/08/10
5  * @author
6  * <pre>
7  * Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
8  * This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
9  * and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
10  * are included in all such copies. Other copyrights may also apply.
11  * </pre>
12  * @details
13  * <pre>
14  * このファイルはangband.hでのみインクルードすること。
15  * This file should ONLY be included by "angband.h"
16  *
17  * Note that "char" may or may not be signed, and that "signed char"
18  * may or may not work on all machines. So always use "s16b" or "s32b"
19  * for signed values. Also, note that unsigned values cause math problems
20  * in many cases, so try to only use "u16b" and "u32b" for "bit flags",
21  * unless you really need the extra bit of information, or you really
22  * need to restrict yourself to a single byte for storage reasons.
23  *
24  * Also, if possible, attempt to restrict yourself to sub-fields of
25  * known size (use "s16b" or "s32b" instead of "int", and "byte" instead
26  * of "bool"), and attempt to align all fields along four-byte words, to
27  * optimize storage issues on 32-bit machines. Also, avoid "bit flags"
28  * since these increase the code size and slow down execution. When
29  * you need to store bit flags, use one byte per flag, or, where space
30  * is an issue, use a "byte" or "u16b" or "u32b", and add special code
31  * to access the various bit flags.
32  *
33  * Many of these structures were developed to reduce the number of global
34  * variables, facilitate structured program design, allow the use of ascii
35  * template files, simplify access to indexed data, or facilitate efficient
36  * clearing of many variables at once.
37  *
38  * Certain data is saved in multiple places for efficient access, currently,
39  * this includes the tval/sval/weight fields in "object_type", various fields
40  * in "header_type", and the "m_idx" and "o_idx" fields in "cave_type". All
41  * of these could be removed, but this would, in general, slow down the game
42  * and increase the complexity of the code.
43  * </pre>
44  */
47 /*!
48  * @struct feature_state
49  * @brief 地形状態変化指定構造体 / Feature state structure
50  */
54 {
55  byte action; /*!< 変化条件をFF_*のIDで指定 / Action (FF_*) */
56  s16b result; /*!< 変化先ID / Result (f_info ID) */
57 };
60 /*!
61  * @struct feature_type
62  * @brief 地形情報の構造体 / Information about terrain "features"
63  */
65 typedef struct feature_type feature_type;
68 {
69  u32b name; /*!< 地形名参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Name (offset) */
70  u32b text; /*!< 地形説明参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Text (offset) */
71  s16b tag; /*!< 地形特性タグ参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Tag (offset) */
73  s16b mimic; /*!< 未確定時の外形地形ID / Feature to mimic */
75  u32b flags[FF_FLAG_SIZE]; /*!< 地形の基本特性ビット配列 / Flags */
77  u16b priority; /*!< 縮小表示で省略する際の表示優先度 / Map priority */
78  s16b destroyed; /*!< *破壊*に巻き込まれた時の地形移行先(未実装?) / Default destroyed state */
80  feature_state state[MAX_FEAT_STATES]; /*!< feature_state テーブル */
82  byte subtype; /*!< 副特性値 */
83  byte power; /*!< 地形強度 */
85  byte d_attr[F_LIT_MAX]; /*!< デフォルトの地形シンボルカラー / Default feature attribute */
86  byte d_char[F_LIT_MAX]; /*!< デフォルトの地形シンボルアルファベット / Default feature character */
88  byte x_attr[F_LIT_MAX]; /*!< 設定変更後の地形シンボルカラー / Desired feature attribute */
89  byte x_char[F_LIT_MAX]; /*!< 設定変更後の地形シンボルアルファベット / Desired feature character */
90 };
93 /*!
94  * @struct object_kind
95  * @brief ベースアイテム情報の構造体 / Information about object "kinds", including player knowledge.
96  * @details
97  * ゲーム進行用のセーブファイル上では aware と tried のみ保存対象とすること。と英文ではあるが実際はもっとある様子である。 /
98  * Only "aware" and "tried" are saved in the savefile
99  */
101 typedef struct object_kind object_kind;
104 {
105  u32b name; /*!< ベースアイテム名参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Name (offset) */
106  u32b text; /*!< 解説テキスト参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Text (offset) */
107  u32b flavor_name; /*!< 未確定名参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Flavor name (offset) */
109  byte tval; /*!< ベースアイテム種別の大項目値 Object type */
110  byte sval; /*!< ベースアイテム種別の小項目値 Object sub type */
112  s16b pval; /*!< ベースアイテムのpval(能力修正共通値) Object extra info */
114  s16b to_h; /*!< ベースアイテムの命中修正値 / Bonus to hit */
115  s16b to_d; /*!< ベースアイテムのダメージ修正値 / Bonus to damage */
116  s16b to_a; /*!< ベースアイテムのAC修正値 / Bonus to armor */
118  s16b ac; /*!< ベースアイテムのAC基本値 / Base armor */
120  byte dd, ds; /*!< ダメージダイスの数と大きさ / Damage dice/sides */
122  s16b weight; /*!< ベースアイテムの重量 / Weight */
124  s32b cost; /*!< ベースアイテムの基本価値 / Object "base cost" */
126  u32b flags[TR_FLAG_SIZE]; /*!< ベースアイテムの基本特性ビット配列 / Flags */
128  u32b gen_flags; /*!< ベースアイテムの生成特性ビット配列 / flags for generate */
130  byte locale[4]; /*!< ベースアイテムの生成階テーブル / Allocation level(s) */
131  byte chance[4]; /*!< ベースアイテムの生成確率テーブル / Allocation chance(s) */
133  byte level; /*!< ベースアイテムの基本生成階 / Level */
134  byte extra; /*!< その他色々のビットフラグ配列 / Something */
136  byte d_attr; /*!< デフォルトのアイテムシンボルカラー / Default object attribute */
137  byte d_char; /*!< デフォルトのアイテムシンボルアルファベット / Default object character */
139  byte x_attr; /*!< 設定変更後のアイテムシンボルカラー / Desired object attribute */
140  byte x_char; /*!< 設定変更後のアイテムシンボルアルファベット / Desired object character */
142  s16b flavor; /*!< 調査中(TODO) / Special object flavor (or zero) */
144  bool easy_know; /*!< ベースアイテムが初期からベース名を判断可能かどうか / This object is always known (if aware) */
146  bool aware; /*!< ベースアイテムが鑑定済かどうか / The player is "aware" of the item's effects */
148  bool tried; /*!< ベースアイテムを未鑑定のまま試したことがあるか / The player has "tried" one of the items */
150  byte act_idx; /*!< 発動能力のID / Activative ability index */
151 };
157 /*!
158  * @struct artifact_type
159  * @brief 固定アーティファクト情報の構造体 / Artifact structure.
160  * @details
161  * @note
162  * the save-file only writes "cur_num" to the savefile.
163  * "max_num" is always "1" (if that artifact "exists")
164  */
166 {
167  u32b name; /*!< アーティファクト名(headerオフセット参照) / Name (offset) */
168  u32b text; /*!< アーティファクト解説(headerオフセット参照) / Text (offset) */
170  byte tval; /*!< ベースアイテム大項目ID / Artifact type */
171  byte sval; /*!< ベースアイテム小項目ID / Artifact sub type */
173  s16b pval; /*!< pval修正値 / Artifact extra info */
175  s16b to_h; /*!< 命中ボーナス値 / Bonus to hit */
176  s16b to_d; /*!< ダメージボーナス値 / Bonus to damage */
177  s16b to_a; /*!< ACボーナス値 / Bonus to armor */
179  s16b ac; /*!< 上書きベースAC値 / Base armor */
181  byte dd, ds; /*!< ダイス値 / Damage when hits */
183  s16b weight; /*!< 重量 / Weight */
185  s32b cost; /*!< 基本価格 / Artifact "cost" */
187  u32b flags[TR_FLAG_SIZE]; /*! アイテムフラグ / Artifact Flags */
189  u32b gen_flags; /*! アイテム生成フラグ / flags for generate */
191  byte level; /*! 基本生成階 / Artifact level */
192  byte rarity; /*! レアリティ / Artifact rarity */
194  byte cur_num; /*! 現在の生成数 / Number created (0 or 1) */
195  byte max_num; /*! (未使用)最大生成数 / Unused (should be "1") */
197  s16b floor_id; /*! アイテムを落としたフロアのID / Leaved on this location last time */
199  byte act_idx; /*! 発動能力ID / Activative ability index */
200 };
203 /*
204  * Information about "ego-items".
205  */
210 {
211  u32b name; /* Name (offset) */
212  u32b text; /* Text (offset) */
214  byte slot; /* Standard slot value */
215  byte rating; /* Rating boost */
217  byte level; /* Minimum level */
218  byte rarity; /* Object rarity */
220  byte max_to_h; /* Maximum to-hit bonus */
221  byte max_to_d; /* Maximum to-dam bonus */
222  byte max_to_a; /* Maximum to-ac bonus */
224  byte max_pval; /* Maximum pval */
226  s32b cost; /* Ego-item "cost" */
228  u32b flags[TR_FLAG_SIZE]; /* Ego-Item Flags */
230  u32b gen_flags; /* flags for generate */
232  byte act_idx; /* Activative ability index */
233 };
238 /*
239  * Monster blow structure
240  *
241  * - Method (RBM_*)
242  * - Effect (RBE_*)
243  * - Damage Dice
244  * - Damage Sides
245  */
247 typedef struct monster_blow monster_blow;
250 {
251  byte method;
252  byte effect;
253  byte d_dice;
254  byte d_side;
255 };
261 {
262  int power; /* The attack "power" */
263  int explode_type; /* Explosion effect */
264 };
267 /*
268  * Monster "race" information, including racial memories
269  *
270  * Note that "d_attr" and "d_char" are used for MORE than "visual" stuff.
271  *
272  * Note that "x_attr" and "x_char" are used ONLY for "visual" stuff.
273  *
274  * Note that "cur_num" (and "max_num") represent the number of monsters
275  * of the given race currently on (and allowed on) the current level.
276  * This information yields the "dead" flag for Unique monsters.
277  *
278  * Note that "max_num" is reset when a new player is created.
279  * Note that "cur_num" is reset when a new level is created.
280  *
281  * Note that several of these fields, related to "recall", can be
282  * scrapped if space becomes an issue, resulting in less "complete"
283  * monster recall (no knowledge of spells, etc). All of the "recall"
284  * fields have a special prefix to aid in searching for them.
285  */
288 typedef struct monster_race monster_race;
291 {
292  u32b name; /*!< 名前データのオフセット(日本語) / Name offset(Japanese) */
293 #ifdef JP
294  u32b E_name; /*!< 名前データのオフセット(英語) / Name offset(English) */
295 #endif
296  u32b text; /*!< 思い出テキストのオフセット / Lore text offset */
298  byte hdice; /*!< HPのダイス数 / Creatures hit dice count */
299  byte hside; /*!< HPのダイス面数 / Creatures hit dice sides */
301  s16b ac; /*!< アーマークラス / Armour Class */
303  s16b sleep; /*!< 睡眠値 / Inactive counter (base) */
304  byte aaf; /*!< 感知範囲(1-100スクエア) / Area affect radius (1-100) */
305  byte speed; /*!< 加速(110で+0) / Speed (normally 110) */
307  s32b mexp; /*!< 殺害時基本経験値 / Exp value for kill */
309  s16b extra; /*!< 未使用 / Unused (for now) */
311  byte freq_spell; /*!< 魔法&特殊能力仕様頻度(1/n) / Spell frequency */
313  u32b flags1; /* Flags 1 (general) */
314  u32b flags2; /* Flags 2 (abilities) */
315  u32b flags3; /* Flags 3 (race/resist) */
316  u32b flags4; /* Flags 4 (inate/breath) */
317  u32b flags7; /* Flags 7 (movement related abilities) */
318  u32b flags8; /* Flags 8 (wilderness info) */
319  u32b flags9; /* Flags 9 (drops info) */
320  u32b flagsr; /* Flags R (resistances info) */
322  u32b a_ability_flags1; /* Activate Ability Flags 5 (normal spells) */
323  u32b a_ability_flags2; /* Activate Ability Flags 6 (special spells) */
324  u32b a_ability_flags3; /* Activate Ability Flags 7 (implementing) */
325  u32b a_ability_flags4; /* Activate Ability Flags 8 (implementing) */
327  monster_blow blow[4]; /* Up to four blows per round */
332  u16b artifact_id[4]; /* 特定アーティファクトドロップID */
333  u16b artifact_rarity[4]; /* 特定アーティファクトレア度 */
334  u16b artifact_percent[4]; /* 特定アーティファクトドロップ率 */
336  u32b arena_ratio; /* アリーナの評価修正値(%基準 / 0=100%) / Arena */
341  byte level; /* Level of creature */
342  byte rarity; /* Rarity of creature */
345  byte d_attr; /* Default monster attribute */
346  byte d_char; /* Default monster character */
349  byte x_attr; /* Desired monster attribute */
350  byte x_char; /* Desired monster character */
353  byte max_num; /* Maximum population allowed per level */
355  byte cur_num; /* Monster population on current level */
357  s16b floor_id; /* Location of unique monster */
360  s16b r_sights; /* Count sightings of this monster */
361  s16b r_deaths; /* Count deaths from this monster */
363  s16b r_pkills; /* Count visible monsters killed in this life */
364  s16b r_akills; /* Count all monsters killed in this life */
365  s16b r_tkills; /* Count monsters killed in all lives */
367  byte r_wake; /* Number of times woken up (?) */
368  byte r_ignore; /* Number of times ignored (?) */
370  byte r_xtra1; /* Something (unused) */
371  byte r_xtra2; /* Something (unused) */
373  byte r_drop_gold; /* Max number of gold dropped at once */
374  byte r_drop_item; /* Max number of item dropped at once */
376  byte r_cast_spell; /* Max number of other spells seen */
378  byte r_blows[4]; /* Number of times each blow type was seen */
380  u32b r_flags1; /* Observed racial flags */
381  u32b r_flags2; /* Observed racial flags */
382  u32b r_flags3; /* Observed racial flags */
383  u32b r_flags4; /* Observed racial flags */
384  u32b r_flags5; /* Observed racial flags */
385  u32b r_flags6; /* Observed racial flags */
386  /* u32b r_flags7; */ /* Observed racial flags */
387  u32b r_flagsr; /* Observed racial resistance flags */
388 };
392 /*
393  * Information about "vault generation"
394  */
396 typedef struct vault_type vault_type;
399 {
400  u32b name; /* Name (offset) */
401  u32b text; /* Text (offset) */
403  byte typ; /* Vault type */
405  byte rat; /* Vault rating */
407  byte hgt; /* Vault height */
408  byte wid; /* Vault width */
409 };
412 /*
413  * Information about "skill"
414  */
416 typedef struct skill_table skill_table;
419 {
420  s16b w_start[5][64]; /* start weapon exp */
421  s16b w_max[5][64]; /* max weapon exp */
422  s16b s_start[10]; /* start skill */
423  s16b s_max[10]; /* max skill */
424 };
427 /*
428  * A single "grid" in a Cave
429  *
430  * Note that several aspects of the code restrict the actual cave
431  * to a max size of 256 by 256. In partcular, locations are often
432  * saved as bytes, limiting each coordinate to the 0-255 range.
433  *
434  * The "o_idx" and "m_idx" fields are very interesting. There are
435  * many places in the code where we need quick access to the actual
436  * monster or object(s) in a given cave grid. The easiest way to
437  * do this is to simply keep the index of the monster and object
438  * (if any) with the grid, but this takes 198*66*4 bytes of memory.
439  * Several other methods come to mind, which require only half this
440  * amound of memory, but they all seem rather complicated, and would
441  * probably add enough code that the savings would be lost. So for
442  * these reasons, we simply store an index into the "o_list" and
443  * "m_list" arrays, using "zero" when no monster/object is present.
444  *
445  * Note that "o_idx" is the index of the top object in a stack of
446  * objects, using the "next_o_idx" field of objects (see below) to
447  * create the singly linked list of objects. If "o_idx" is zero
448  * then there are no objects in the grid.
449  *
450  * Note the special fields for the "MONSTER_FLOW" code.
451  */
453 typedef struct cave_type cave_type;
455 struct cave_type
456 {
457  u16b info; /* Hack -- cave flags */
459  s16b feat; /* Hack -- feature type */
461  s16b o_idx; /* Object in this grid */
463  s16b m_idx; /* Monster in this grid */
465  s16b special; /* Special cave info */
467  s16b mimic; /* Feature to mimic */
469  byte cost; /* Hack -- cost of flowing */
470  byte dist; /* Hack -- distance from player */
471  byte when; /* Hack -- when cost was computed */
472 };
476 /*
477  * Simple structure to hold a map location
478  */
479 typedef struct coord coord;
481 struct coord
482 {
483  byte y;
484  byte x;
485 };
489 /*
490  * Object information, for a specific object.
491  *
492  * Note that a "discount" on an item is permanent and never goes away.
493  *
494  * Note that inscriptions are now handled via the "quark_str()" function
495  * applied to the "note" field, which will return NULL if "note" is zero.
496  *
497  * Note that "object" records are "copied" on a fairly regular basis,
498  * and care must be taken when handling such objects.
499  *
500  * Note that "object flags" must now be derived from the object kind,
501  * the artifact and ego-item indexes, and the two "xtra" fields.
502  *
503  * Each cave grid points to one (or zero) objects via the "o_idx"
504  * field (above). Each object then points to one (or zero) objects
505  * via the "next_o_idx" field, forming a singly linked list, which
506  * in game terms, represents a "stack" of objects in the same grid.
507  *
508  * Each monster points to one (or zero) objects via the "hold_o_idx"
509  * field (below). Each object then points to one (or zero) objects
510  * via the "next_o_idx" field, forming a singly linked list, which
511  * in game terms, represents a pile of objects held by the monster.
512  *
513  * The "held_m_idx" field is used to indicate which monster, if any,
514  * is holding the object. Objects being held have "ix=0" and "iy=0".
515  */
517 typedef struct object_type object_type;
520 {
521  s16b k_idx; /* Kind index (zero if "dead") */
523  byte iy; /* Y-position on map, or zero */
524  byte ix; /* X-position on map, or zero */
526  byte tval; /* Item type (from kind) */
527  byte sval; /* Item sub-type (from kind) */
529  s16b pval; /* Item extra-parameter */
531  byte discount; /* Discount (if any) */
533  byte number; /* Number of items */
535  s16b weight; /* Item weight */
537  byte name1; /* Artifact type, if any */
538  byte name2; /* Ego-Item type, if any */
540  byte xtra1; /* Extra info type (now unused) */
541  byte xtra2; /* Extra info activation index */
542  byte xtra3; /* Extra info for weaponsmith */
543  s16b xtra4; /* Extra info fuel or captured monster's current HP */
544  s16b xtra5; /* Extra info captured monster's max HP */
546  s16b to_h; /* Plusses to hit */
547  s16b to_d; /* Plusses to damage */
548  s16b to_a; /* Plusses to AC */
550  s16b ac; /* Normal AC */
552  byte dd, ds; /* Damage dice/sides */
554  s16b timeout; /* Timeout Counter */
556  byte ident; /* Special flags */
558  byte marked; /* Object is marked */
560  u16b inscription; /* Inscription index */
561  u16b art_name; /* Artifact name (random artifacts) */
563  byte feeling; /* Game generated inscription number (eg, pseudo-id) */
565  u32b art_flags[TR_FLAG_SIZE]; /* Extra Flags for ego and artifacts */
567  u32b curse_flags; /* Flags for curse */
569  s16b next_o_idx; /* Next object in stack (if any) */
571  s16b held_m_idx; /* Monster holding us (if any) */
572 };
576 /*
577  * Monster information, for a specific monster.
578  *
579  * Note: fy, fx constrain dungeon size to 256x256
580  *
581  * The "hold_o_idx" field points to the first object of a stack
582  * of objects (if any) being carried by the monster (see above).
583  */
585 typedef struct monster_type monster_type;
588 {
589  s16b r_idx; /* Monster race index */
590  s16b ap_r_idx; /* Monster race appearance index */
591  byte sub_align; /* Sub-alignment for a neutral monster */
593  byte fy; /* Y location on map */
594  byte fx; /* X location on map */
596  s16b hp; /* Current Hit points */
597  s16b maxhp; /* Max Hit points */
598  s16b max_maxhp; /* Max Max Hit points */
599  u32b dealt_damage; /* Sum of damages dealt by player */
601  s16b mtimed[MAX_MTIMED]; /* Timed status counter */
603  byte mspeed; /* Monster "speed" */
604  s16b energy_need; /* Monster "energy" */
606  byte cdis; /* Current dis from player */
608  byte mflag; /* Extra monster flags */
609  byte mflag2; /* Extra monster flags */
611  bool ml; /* Monster is "visible" */
613  s16b hold_o_idx; /* Object being held (if any) */
615  s16b target_y; /* Can attack !los player */
616  s16b target_x; /* Can attack !los player */
618  u16b nickname; /* Monster's Nickname */
622  u32b smart; /* Field for "smart_learn" */
625 };
630 /*
631  * An entry for the object/monster allocation functions
632  *
633  * Pass 1 is determined from allocation information
634  * Pass 2 is determined from allocation restriction
635  * Pass 3 is determined from allocation calculation
636  */
638 typedef struct alloc_entry alloc_entry;
641 {
642  s16b index; /* The actual index */
644  byte level; /* Base dungeon level */
645  byte prob1; /* Probability, pass 1 */
646  byte prob2; /* Probability, pass 2 */
647  byte prob3; /* Probability, pass 3 */
649  u16b total; /* Unused for now */
650 };
654 /*
655  * Available "options"
656  *
657  * - Address of actual option variable (or NULL)
658  *
659  * - Normal Value (TRUE or FALSE)
660  *
661  * - Option Page Number (or zero)
662  *
663  * - Savefile Set (or zero)
664  * - Savefile Bit in that set
665  *
666  * - Textual name (or NULL)
667  * - Textual description
668  */
670 typedef struct option_type option_type;
673 {
674  bool *o_var;
676  byte o_norm;
678  byte o_page;
680  byte o_set;
681  byte o_bit;
685 };
688 typedef struct quest_type quest_type;
690 /*!
691  * @struct quest_type
692  * @brief クエスト情報の構造体 / Structure for the "quests".
693  */
696 {
697  s16b status; /*!< クエストの進行ステータス / Is the quest taken, completed, finished? */
699  s16b type; /*!< クエストの種別 / The quest type */
701  char name[60]; /*!< クエスト名 / Quest name */
702  s16b level; /*!< 処理階層 / Dungeon level */
703  s16b r_idx; /*!< クエスト対象のモンスターID / Monster race */
705  s16b cur_num; /*!< 撃破したモンスターの数 / Number killed */
706  s16b max_num; /*!< 求められるモンスターの撃破数 / Number required */
708  s16b k_idx; /*!< クエスト対象のアイテムID / object index */
709  s16b num_mon; /*!< QUEST_TYPE_KILL_NUMBER時の目標撃破数 number of monsters on level */
711  byte flags; /*!< クエストに関するフラグビット / quest flags */
712  byte dungeon; /*!< クエスト対象のダンジョンID / quest dungeon */
714  byte complev; /*!< クリア時プレイヤーレベル / player level (complete) */
715  u32b comptime; /*!< クリア時ゲーム時間 / quest clear time*/
716 };
719 /*
720  * A store owner
721  */
722 typedef struct owner_type owner_type;
725 {
726  cptr owner_name; /* Name */
728  s32b max_cost; /* Purse limit */
730  byte max_inflate; /* Inflation (max) */
731  byte min_inflate; /* Inflation (min) */
733  byte haggle_per; /* Haggle unit */
735  byte insult_max; /* Insult limit */
737  byte owner_race; /* Owner race */
738 };
743 /*
744  * A store, with an owner, various state flags, a current stock
745  * of items, and a table of items that are often purchased.
746  */
747 typedef struct store_type store_type;
750 {
751  byte type; /* Store type */
753  byte owner; /* Owner index */
754  byte extra; /* Unused for now */
756  s16b insult_cur; /* Insult counter */
758  s16b good_buy; /* Number of "good" buys */
759  s16b bad_buy; /* Number of "bad" buys */
761  s32b store_open; /* Closed until this turn */
763  s32b last_visit; /* Last visited on this turn */
765  s16b table_num; /* Table -- Number of entries */
766  s16b table_size; /* Table -- Total Size of Array */
767  s16b *table; /* Table -- Legal item kinds */
769  s16b stock_num; /* Stock -- Number of entries */
770  s16b stock_size; /* Stock -- Total Size of Array */
771  object_type *stock; /* Stock -- Actual stock items */
772 };
775 /*
776  * The "name" of spell 'N' is stored as spell_names[X][N],
777  * where X is 0 for mage-spells and 1 for priest-spells.
778  */
779 typedef struct magic_type magic_type;
782 {
783  byte slevel; /* Required level (to learn) */
784  byte smana; /* Required mana (to cast) */
785  byte sfail; /* Minimum chance of failure */
786  byte sexp; /* Encoded experience bonus */
787 };
790 /*
791  * Information about the player's "magic"
792  *
793  * Note that a player with a "spell_book" of "zero" is illiterate.
794  */
796 typedef struct player_magic player_magic;
799 {
800  int spell_book; /* Tval of spell books (if any) */
801  int spell_xtra; /* Something for later */
803  int spell_stat; /* Stat for spells (if any) */
804  int spell_type; /* Spell type (mage/priest) */
806  int spell_first; /* Level of first spell */
807  int spell_weight; /* Weight that hurts spells */
809  magic_type info[MAX_MAGIC][32]; /* The available spells */
810 };
814 /*
815  * Player sex info
816  */
818 typedef struct player_sex player_sex;
821 {
822  cptr title; /* Type of sex */
823  cptr winner; /* Name of winner */
824 #ifdef JP
825  cptr E_title; /* 英語性別 */
826  cptr E_winner; /* 英語性別 */
827 #endif
828 };
831 /*
832  * Player racial info
833  */
835 typedef struct player_race player_race;
838 {
839  cptr title; /* Type of race */
841 #ifdef JP
842  cptr E_title; /* 英語種族 */
843 #endif
844  s16b r_adj[6]; /* Racial stat bonuses */
846  s16b r_dis; /* disarming */
847  s16b r_dev; /* magic devices */
848  s16b r_sav; /* saving throw */
849  s16b r_stl; /* stealth */
850  s16b r_srh; /* search ability */
851  s16b r_fos; /* search frequency */
852  s16b r_thn; /* combat (normal) */
853  s16b r_thb; /* combat (shooting) */
855  byte r_mhp; /* Race hit-dice modifier */
856  byte r_exp; /* Race experience factor */
858  byte b_age; /* base age */
859  byte m_age; /* mod age */
861  byte m_b_ht; /* base height (males) */
862  byte m_m_ht; /* mod height (males) */
863  byte m_b_wt; /* base weight (males) */
864  byte m_m_wt; /* mod weight (males) */
866  byte f_b_ht; /* base height (females) */
867  byte f_m_ht; /* mod height (females) */
868  byte f_b_wt; /* base weight (females) */
869  byte f_m_wt; /* mod weight (females) */
871  byte infra; /* Infra-vision range */
873  u32b choice; /* Legal class choices */
874 /* byte choice_xtra; */
875 };
878 /*
879  * Player class info
880  */
882 typedef struct player_class player_class;
885 {
886  cptr title; /* Type of class */
888 #ifdef JP
889  cptr E_title; /* 英語職業 */
890 #endif
891  s16b c_adj[6]; /* Class stat modifier */
893  s16b c_dis; /* class disarming */
894  s16b c_dev; /* class magic devices */
895  s16b c_sav; /* class saving throws */
896  s16b c_stl; /* class stealth */
897  s16b c_srh; /* class searching ability */
898  s16b c_fos; /* class searching frequency */
899  s16b c_thn; /* class to hit (normal) */
900  s16b c_thb; /* class to hit (bows) */
902  s16b x_dis; /* extra disarming */
903  s16b x_dev; /* extra magic devices */
904  s16b x_sav; /* extra saving throws */
905  s16b x_stl; /* extra stealth */
906  s16b x_srh; /* extra searching ability */
907  s16b x_fos; /* extra searching frequency */
908  s16b x_thn; /* extra to hit (normal) */
909  s16b x_thb; /* extra to hit (bows) */
911  s16b c_mhp; /* Class hit-dice adjustment */
912  s16b c_exp; /* Class experience factor */
914  byte pet_upkeep_div; /* Pet upkeep divider */
915 };
920 {
921  cptr title; /* Type of seikaku */
923 #ifdef JP
924  cptr E_title; /* 英語性格 */
925 #endif
927  s16b a_adj[6]; /* seikaku stat bonuses */
929  s16b a_dis; /* seikaku disarming */
930  s16b a_dev; /* seikaku magic devices */
931  s16b a_sav; /* seikaku saving throw */
932  s16b a_stl; /* seikaku stealth */
933  s16b a_srh; /* seikaku search ability */
934  s16b a_fos; /* seikaku search frequency */
935  s16b a_thn; /* seikaku combat (normal) */
936  s16b a_thb; /* seikaku combat (shooting) */
938  s16b a_mhp; /* Race hit-dice modifier */
940  byte no; /* の */
941  byte sex; /* seibetu seigen */
942 };
945 /*
946  * Most of the "player" information goes here.
947  *
948  * This stucture gives us a large collection of player variables.
949  *
950  * This structure contains several "blocks" of information.
951  * (1) the "permanent" info
952  * (2) the "variable" info
953  * (3) the "transient" info
954  *
955  * All of the "permanent" info, and most of the "variable" info,
956  * is saved in the savefile. The "transient" info is recomputed
957  * whenever anything important changes.
958  */
960 typedef struct player_type player_type;
963 {
964  s16b oldpy; /* Previous player location -KMW- */
965  s16b oldpx; /* Previous player location -KMW- */
967  byte psex; /* Sex index */
968  byte prace; /* Race index */
969  byte pclass; /* Class index */
970  byte pseikaku; /* Seikaku index */
971  byte realm1; /* First magic realm */
972  byte realm2; /* Second magic realm */
973  byte oops; /* Unused */
975  byte hitdie; /* Hit dice (sides) */
976  u16b expfact; /* Experience factor
977  * Note: was byte, causing overflow for Amberite
978  * characters (such as Amberite Paladins)
979  */
981  s16b age; /* Characters age */
982  s16b ht; /* Height */
983  s16b wt; /* Weight */
984  s16b sc; /* Social Class */
987  s32b au; /* Current Gold */
989  s32b max_max_exp; /* Max max experience (only to calculate score) */
990  s32b max_exp; /* Max experience */
991  s32b exp; /* Cur experience */
992  u32b exp_frac; /* Cur exp frac (times 2^16) */
994  s16b lev; /* Level */
996  s16b town_num; /* Current town number */
997  s16b arena_number; /* monster number in arena -KMW- */
998  bool inside_arena; /* Is character inside arena? */
999  s16b inside_quest; /* Inside quest level */
1000  bool inside_battle; /* Is character inside tougijou? */
1002  s32b wilderness_x; /* Coordinates in the wilderness */
1006  s32b mhp; /* Max hit pts */
1007  s32b chp; /* Cur hit pts */
1008  u32b chp_frac; /* Cur hit frac (times 2^16) */
1010  s32b msp; /* Max mana pts */
1011  s32b csp; /* Cur mana pts */
1012  u32b csp_frac; /* Cur mana frac (times 2^16) */
1014  s16b max_plv; /* Max Player Level */
1016  s16b stat_max[6]; /* Current "maximal" stat values */
1017  s16b stat_max_max[6]; /* Maximal "maximal" stat values */
1018  s16b stat_cur[6]; /* Current "natural" stat values */
1025  s16b fast; /* Timed -- Fast */
1026  s16b slow; /* Timed -- Slow */
1027  s16b blind; /* Timed -- Blindness */
1028  s16b paralyzed; /* Timed -- Paralysis */
1029  s16b confused; /* Timed -- Confusion */
1030  s16b afraid; /* Timed -- Fear */
1031  s16b image; /* Timed -- Hallucination */
1032  s16b poisoned; /* Timed -- Poisoned */
1033  s16b cut; /* Timed -- Cut */
1034  s16b stun; /* Timed -- Stun */
1036  s16b protevil; /* Timed -- Protection */
1037  s16b invuln; /* Timed -- Invulnerable */
1038  s16b ult_res; /* Timed -- Ultimate Resistance */
1039  s16b hero; /* Timed -- Heroism */
1040  s16b shero; /* Timed -- Super Heroism */
1041  s16b shield; /* Timed -- Shield Spell */
1042  s16b blessed; /* Timed -- Blessed */
1043  s16b tim_invis; /* Timed -- See Invisible */
1044  s16b tim_infra; /* Timed -- Infra Vision */
1045  s16b tsuyoshi; /* Timed -- Tsuyoshi Special */
1046  s16b ele_attack; /* Timed -- Elemental Attack */
1047  s16b ele_immune; /* Timed -- Elemental Immune */
1049  s16b oppose_acid; /* Timed -- oppose acid */
1050  s16b oppose_elec; /* Timed -- oppose lightning */
1051  s16b oppose_fire; /* Timed -- oppose heat */
1052  s16b oppose_cold; /* Timed -- oppose cold */
1053  s16b oppose_pois; /* Timed -- oppose poison */
1056  s16b tim_esp; /* Timed ESP */
1057  s16b wraith_form; /* Timed wraithform */
1059  s16b resist_magic; /* Timed Resist Magic (later) */
1068  s16b tim_res_nether; /* Timed -- Nether resistance */
1069  s16b tim_res_time; /* Timed -- Time resistance */
1076  /* for mirror master */
1077  s16b tim_reflect; /* Timed -- Reflect */
1078  s16b multishadow; /* Timed -- Multi-shadow */
1079  s16b dustrobe; /* Timed -- Robe of dust */
1089  s16b word_recall; /* Word of recall counter */
1090  s16b alter_reality; /* Alter reality counter */
1091  byte recall_dungeon; /* Dungeon set to be recalled */
1093  s16b energy_need; /* Energy needed for next move */
1094  s16b enchant_energy_need; /* Energy needed for next upkeep effect */
1096  s16b food; /* Current nutrition */
1098  u32b special_attack; /* Special attack capacity -LM- */
1099  u32b special_defense; /* Special block capacity -LM- */
1100  byte action; /* Currently action */
1102  u32b spell_learned1; /* bit mask of spells learned */
1103  u32b spell_learned2; /* bit mask of spells learned */
1104  u32b spell_worked1; /* bit mask of spells tried and worked */
1105  u32b spell_worked2; /* bit mask of spells tried and worked */
1106  u32b spell_forgotten1; /* bit mask of spells learned but forgotten */
1107  u32b spell_forgotten2; /* bit mask of spells learned but forgotten */
1108  byte spell_order[64]; /* order spells learned/remembered/forgotten */
1110  s16b spell_exp[64]; /* Proficiency of spells */
1111  s16b weapon_exp[5][64]; /* Proficiency of weapons */
1112  s16b skill_exp[GINOU_MAX]; /* Proficiency of misc. skill */
1114  s32b magic_num1[108]; /* Array for non-spellbook type magic */
1115  byte magic_num2[108]; /* Flags for non-spellbook type magics */
1121  s16b concent; /* Sniper's concentration level */
1124  char died_from[80]; /* What killed the player */
1125  cptr last_message; /* Last message on death or retirement */
1126  char history[4][60]; /* Textual "history" for the Player */
1128  u16b total_winner; /* Total winner */
1129  u16b panic_save; /* Panic save */
1131  u16b noscore; /* Cheating flags */
1133  bool wait_report_score; /* Waiting to report score */
1134  bool is_dead; /* Player is dead */
1136  bool wizard; /* Player is in wizard mode */
1138  s16b riding; /* Riding on a monster of this index */
1139  byte knowledge; /* Knowledge about yourself */
1140  s32b visit; /* Visited towns */
1142  byte start_race; /* Race at birth */
1143  s32b old_race1; /* Record of race changes */
1144  s32b old_race2; /* Record of race changes */
1145  s16b old_realm; /* Record of realm changes */
1147  s16b pet_follow_distance; /* Length of the imaginary "leash" for pets */
1148  s16b pet_extra_flags; /* Various flags for controling pets */
1150  s16b today_mon; /* Wanted monster */
1152  bool dtrap; /* Whether you are on trap-safe grids */
1153  s16b floor_id; /* Current floor location */
1155  bool autopick_autoregister; /* auto register is in-use or not */
1157  byte feeling; /* Most recent dungeon feeling */
1158  s32b feeling_turn; /* The turn of the last dungeon feeling */
1161  /*** Temporary fields ***/
1163  bool playing; /* True if player is playing */
1164  bool leaving; /* True if player is leaving */
1166  byte exit_bldg; /* Goal obtained in arena? -KMW- */
1168  bool leaving_dungeon; /* True if player is leaving the dungeon */
1170  bool enter_dungeon; /* Just enter the dungeon */
1172  s16b health_who; /* Health bar trackee */
1174  s16b monster_race_idx; /* Monster race trackee */
1176  s16b object_kind_idx; /* Object kind trackee */
1178  s16b new_spells; /* Number of spells available */
1181  s16b old_food_aux; /* Old value of food */
1192  s16b old_lite; /* Old radius of lite (if any) */
1194  bool cumber_armor; /* Mana draining armor */
1195  bool cumber_glove; /* Mana draining gloves */
1196  bool heavy_wield[2]; /* Heavy weapon */
1197  bool heavy_shoot; /* Heavy shooter */
1198  bool icky_wield[2]; /* Icky weapon */
1199  bool riding_wield[2]; /* Riding weapon */
1200  bool riding_ryoute; /* Riding weapon */
1201  bool monlite;
1203  s16b cur_lite; /* Radius of lite (if any) */
1206  u32b notice; /* Special Updates (bit flags) */
1207  u32b update; /* Pending Updates (bit flags) */
1208  u32b redraw; /* Normal Redraws (bit flags) */
1209  u32b window; /* Window Redraws (bit flags) */
1211  s16b stat_use[6]; /* Current modified stats */
1212  s16b stat_top[6]; /* Maximal modified stats */
1214  bool sutemi;
1215  bool counter;
1217  s32b align; /* Good/evil/neutral */
1222  /*** Extracted fields ***/
1224  u32b total_weight; /* Total weight being carried */
1226  s16b stat_add[6]; /* Modifiers to stat values */
1227  s16b stat_ind[6]; /* Indexes into stat tables */
1229  bool immune_acid; /* Immunity to acid */
1230  bool immune_elec; /* Immunity to lightning */
1231  bool immune_fire; /* Immunity to fire */
1232  bool immune_cold; /* Immunity to cold */
1234  bool resist_acid; /* Resist acid */
1235  bool resist_elec; /* Resist lightning */
1236  bool resist_fire; /* Resist fire */
1237  bool resist_cold; /* Resist cold */
1238  bool resist_pois; /* Resist poison */
1240  bool resist_conf; /* Resist confusion */
1241  bool resist_sound; /* Resist sound */
1242  bool resist_lite; /* Resist light */
1243  bool resist_dark; /* Resist darkness */
1244  bool resist_chaos; /* Resist chaos */
1245  bool resist_disen; /* Resist disenchant */
1246  bool resist_shard; /* Resist shards */
1247  bool resist_nexus; /* Resist nexus */
1248  bool resist_blind; /* Resist blindness */
1249  bool resist_neth; /* Resist nether */
1250  bool resist_fear; /* Resist fear */
1251  bool resist_time; /* Resist time */
1253  bool reflect; /* Reflect 'bolt' attacks */
1254  bool sh_fire; /* Fiery 'immolation' effect */
1255  bool sh_elec; /* Electric 'immolation' effect */
1256  bool sh_cold; /* Cold 'immolation' effect */
1258  bool anti_magic; /* Anti-magic */
1259  bool anti_tele; /* Prevent teleportation */
1261  bool sustain_str; /* Keep strength */
1262  bool sustain_int; /* Keep intelligence */
1263  bool sustain_wis; /* Keep wisdom */
1264  bool sustain_dex; /* Keep dexterity */
1265  bool sustain_con; /* Keep constitution */
1266  bool sustain_chr; /* Keep charisma */
1268  u32b cursed; /* Player is cursed */
1270  bool can_swim; /* No damage falling */
1271  bool levitation; /* No damage falling */
1272  bool lite; /* Permanent light */
1273  bool free_act; /* Never paralyzed */
1274  bool see_inv; /* Can see invisible */
1275  bool regenerate; /* Regenerate hit pts */
1276  bool hold_exp; /* Resist exp draining */
1278  bool telepathy; /* Telepathy */
1282  bool esp_orc;
1287  bool esp_evil;
1288  bool esp_good;
1292  bool slow_digest; /* Slower digestion */
1293  bool bless_blade; /* Blessed blade */
1294  bool xtra_might; /* Extra might bow */
1295  bool impact[2]; /* Earthquake blows */
1296  bool pass_wall; /* Permanent wraithform */
1298  bool dec_mana;
1301  bool warning;
1303  bool see_nocto; /* Noctovision */
1305  s16b to_dd[2]; /* Extra dice/sides */
1308  s16b dis_to_h[2]; /* Known bonus to hit (wield) */
1309  s16b dis_to_h_b; /* Known bonus to hit (bow) */
1310  s16b dis_to_d[2]; /* Known bonus to dam (wield) */
1311  s16b dis_to_a; /* Known bonus to ac */
1313  s16b dis_ac; /* Known base ac */
1315  s16b to_h[2]; /* Bonus to hit (wield) */
1316  s16b to_h_b; /* Bonus to hit (bow) */
1317  s16b to_h_m; /* Bonus to hit (misc) */
1318  s16b to_d[2]; /* Bonus to dam (wield) */
1319  s16b to_d_m; /* Bonus to dam (misc) */
1320  s16b to_a; /* Bonus to ac */
1322  s16b to_m_chance; /* Minusses to cast chance */
1324  bool ryoute;
1325  bool migite;
1326  bool hidarite;
1329  s16b ac; /* Base ac */
1331  s16b see_infra; /* Infravision range */
1333  s16b skill_dis; /* Skill: Disarming */
1334  s16b skill_dev; /* Skill: Magic Devices */
1335  s16b skill_sav; /* Skill: Saving throw */
1336  s16b skill_stl; /* Skill: Stealth factor */
1337  s16b skill_srh; /* Skill: Searching ability */
1338  s16b skill_fos; /* Skill: Searching frequency */
1339  s16b skill_thn; /* Skill: To hit (normal) */
1340  s16b skill_thb; /* Skill: To hit (shooting) */
1341  s16b skill_tht; /* Skill: To hit (throwing) */
1342  s16b skill_dig; /* Skill: Digging */
1344  s16b num_blow[2]; /* Number of blows */
1345  s16b num_fire; /* Number of shots */
1347  byte tval_xtra; /* Correct xtra tval */
1349  byte tval_ammo; /* Correct ammo tval */
1351  byte pspeed; /* Current speed */
1353  s16b energy_use; /* Energy use this turn */
1355  int y; /* Player location in dungeon */
1356  int x; /* Player location in dungeon */
1357  char name[32]; /* Current player's character name */
1358 };
1361 /*
1362  * A structure to hold "rolled" information
1363  */
1364 typedef struct birther birther;
1366 struct birther
1367 {
1368  byte psex; /* Sex index */
1369  byte prace; /* Race index */
1370  byte pclass; /* Class index */
1371  byte pseikaku; /* Seikaku index */
1372  byte realm1; /* First magic realm */
1373  byte realm2; /* Second magic realm */
1382  s16b stat_max[6]; /* Current "maximal" stat values */
1383  s16b stat_max_max[6]; /* Maximal "maximal" stat values */
1390  char history[4][60];
1392  bool quick_ok;
1393 };
1396 /* For Monk martial arts */
1401 {
1402  cptr desc; /* A verbose attack description */
1403  int min_level; /* Minimum level to use */
1404  int chance; /* Chance of 'success' */
1405  int dd; /* Damage dice */
1406  int ds; /* Damage sides */
1407  int effect; /* Special effects */
1408 };
1410 typedef struct kamae kamae;
1412 struct kamae
1413 {
1414  cptr desc; /* A verbose kamae description */
1415  int min_level; /* Minimum level to use */
1417 };
1419 /* Mindcrafters */
1420 typedef struct mind_type mind_type;
1422 {
1423  int min_lev;
1425  int fail;
1427 };
1429 typedef struct mind_power mind_power;
1431 {
1433 };
1435 /* Imitator */
1439 {
1440  int level;
1441  int smana;
1442  int fail;
1443  int manedam;
1447 };
1450 /*
1451  * A structure to describe a building.
1452  * From Kamband
1453  */
1457 {
1458  char name[20]; /* proprietor name */
1459  char owner_name[20]; /* proprietor name */
1460  char owner_race[20]; /* proprietor race */
1462  char act_names[8][30]; /* action names */
1463  s32b member_costs[8]; /* Costs for class members of building */
1464  s32b other_costs[8]; /* Costs for nonguild members */
1465  char letters[8]; /* action letters */
1466  s16b actions[8]; /* action codes */
1467  s16b action_restr[8]; /* action restrictions */
1469  s16b member_class[MAX_CLASS]; /* which classes are part of guild */
1470  s16b member_race[MAX_RACES]; /* which classes are part of guild */
1471  s16b member_realm[MAX_MAGIC+1]; /* which realms are part of guild */
1472 };
1475 /* Border */
1476 typedef struct border_type border_type;
1478 {
1487 };
1490 /*
1491  * A structure describing a wilderness area
1492  * with a terrain or a town
1493  */
1496 {
1497  int terrain;
1498  int town;
1499  int road;
1502  byte entrance;
1503 };
1506 /*
1507  * A structure describing a town with
1508  * stores and buildings
1509  */
1510 typedef struct town_type town_type;
1512 {
1513  char name[32];
1514  u32b seed; /* Seed for RNG */
1515  store_type *store; /* The stores [MAX_STORES] */
1517 };
1519 /* Dungeons */
1520 typedef struct dun_type dun_type;
1521 struct dun_type
1522 {
1523  byte min_level; /* Minimum level in the dungeon */
1524  byte max_level; /* Maximum dungeon level allowed */
1526  cptr name; /* The name of the dungeon */
1527 };
1529 /*
1530  * Sort-array element
1531  */
1532 typedef struct tag_type tag_type;
1534 struct tag_type
1535 {
1536  int tag;
1537  int index;
1538 };
1540 typedef bool (*monster_hook_type)(int r_idx);
1543 /*
1544  * This seems like a pretty standard "typedef"
1545  */
1546 typedef int (*inven_func)(object_type *);
1549 /*
1550  * Semi-Portable High Score List Entry (128 bytes) -- BEN
1551  *
1552  * All fields listed below are null terminated ascii strings.
1553  *
1554  * In addition, the "number" fields are right justified, and
1555  * space padded, to the full available length (minus the "null").
1556  *
1557  * Note that "string comparisons" are thus valid on "pts".
1558  */
1560 typedef struct high_score high_score;
1563 {
1564  char what[8]; /* Version info (string) */
1566  char pts[10]; /* Total Score (number) */
1568  char gold[10]; /* Total Gold (number) */
1570  char turns[10]; /* Turns Taken (number) */
1572  char day[10]; /* Time stamp (string) */
1574  char who[16]; /* Player Name (string) */
1576  char uid[8]; /* Player UID (number) */
1578  char sex[2]; /* Player Sex (string) */
1579  char p_r[3]; /* Player Race (number) */
1580  char p_c[3]; /* Player Class (number) */
1581  char p_a[3]; /* Player Seikaku (number) */
1583  char cur_lev[4]; /* Current Player Level (number) */
1584  char cur_dun[4]; /* Current Dungeon Level (number) */
1585  char max_lev[4]; /* Max Player Level (number) */
1586  char max_dun[4]; /* Max Dungeon Level (number) */
1588  char how[40]; /* Method of death (string) */
1589 };
1592 typedef struct
1593 {
1594  s16b feat; /* Feature tile */
1595  byte percent; /* Chance of type */
1596 }
1597 feat_prob;
1600 /* A structure for the != dungeon types */
1603  u32b name; /* Name */
1604  u32b text; /* Description */
1606  byte dy;
1607  byte dx;
1609  feat_prob floor[DUNGEON_FEAT_PROB_NUM]; /* Floor probability */
1610  feat_prob fill[DUNGEON_FEAT_PROB_NUM]; /* Cave wall probability */
1611  s16b outer_wall; /* Outer wall tile */
1612  s16b inner_wall; /* Inner wall tile */
1613  s16b stream1; /* stream tile */
1614  s16b stream2; /* stream tile */
1616  s16b mindepth; /* Minimal depth */
1617  s16b maxdepth; /* Maximal depth */
1618  byte min_plev; /* Minimal plev needed to enter -- it's an anti-cheating mesure */
1621  byte mode; /* Mode of combinaison of the monster flags */
1623  int min_m_alloc_level; /* Minimal number of monsters per level */
1624  int max_m_alloc_chance; /* There is a 1/max_m_alloc_chance chance per round of creating a new monster */
1626  u32b flags1; /* Flags 1 */
1628  u32b mflags1; /* The monster flags that are allowed */
1642  char r_char[5]; /* Monster race allowed */
1643  int final_object; /* The object you'll find at the bottom */
1644  int final_artifact; /* The artifact you'll find at the bottom */
1645  int final_guardian; /* The artifact's guardian. If an artifact is specified, then it's NEEDED */
1647  byte special_div; /* % of monsters affected by the flags/races allowed, to add some variety */
1651 };
1654 /*!
1655  * @struct autopick_type
1656  * @brief 自動拾い/破壊設定データの構造体 / A structure type for entry of auto-picker/destroyer
1657  */
1658 typedef struct {
1659  cptr name; /*!< 自動拾い/破壊定義の名称一致基準 / Items which have 'name' as part of its name match */
1660  cptr insc; /*!< 対象となったアイテムに自動で刻む内容 / Items will be auto-inscribed as 'insc' */
1661  u32b flag[2]; /*!< キーワードに関する汎用的な条件フラグ / Misc. keyword to be matched */
1662  byte action; /*!< 対象のアイテムを拾う/破壊/放置するかの指定フラグ / Auto-pickup or Destroy or Leave items */
1663  byte dice; /*!< 武器のダイス値基準値 / Weapons which have more than 'dice' dice match */
1664  byte bonus; /*!< アイテムのボーナス基準値 / Items which have more than 'bonus' magical bonus match */
1665 } autopick_type;
1668 /*
1669  * A structure type for the saved floor
1670  */
1671 typedef struct
1672 {
1673  s16b floor_id; /* No recycle until 65536 IDs are all used */
1674  byte savefile_id; /* ID for savefile (from 0 to MAX_SAVED_FLOOR) */
1676  s32b last_visit; /* Time count of last visit. 0 for new floor. */
1677  u32b visit_mark; /* Older has always smaller mark. */
1678  s16b upper_floor_id; /* a floor connected with level teleportation */
1679  s16b lower_floor_id; /* a floor connected with level tel. and trap door */
1683 /*
1684  * A structure type for terrain template of saving dungeon floor
1685  */
1686 typedef struct
1687 {
1696 /*!
1697  * @struct arena_type
1698  * @brief 闘技場のモンスターエントリー構造体 / A structure type for arena entry
1699  */
1700 typedef struct
1701 {
1702  s16b r_idx; /*!< 闘技場のモンスター種族ID(0ならば表彰式) / Monster (0 means victory prizing) */
1703  byte tval; /*!< モンスター打倒後に得られるアイテムの大カテゴリID / tval of prize (0 means no prize) */
1704  byte sval; /*!< モンスター打倒後に得られるアイテムの小カテゴリID / sval of prize */
1705 } arena_type;
1708 /*
1709  * A structure type for doors
1710  */
1711 typedef struct
1712 {
1720 } door_type;
1723 #ifdef TRAVEL
1724 /*
1725  * A structure type for travel command
1726  */
1727 typedef struct {
1728  int run; /* Remaining grid number */
1729  int cost[MAX_HGT][MAX_WID];
1730  int x; /* Target X */
1731  int y; /* Target Y */
1732  int dir; /* Running direction */
1733 } travel_type;
1734 #endif
1736 typedef struct {
1738  byte index;
1739  byte level;
1741  struct {
1743  int dice;
1744  } timeout;
1746 } activation_type;
1748 typedef struct {
1749  int flag;
1750  int type;
u32b arena_ratio
Definition: types.h:336
bool old_cumber_glove
Definition: types.h:1184
u32b text
地形説明参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Text (offset)
Definition: types.h:70
int power
Definition: types.h:262
byte dice
武器のダイス値基準値 / Weapons which have more than 'dice' dice match
Definition: types.h:1663
int spell_type
Definition: types.h:804
u32b spell_forgotten2
Definition: types.h:1107
bool esp_good
Definition: types.h:1288
byte level
ベースアイテムの基本生成階 / Level
Definition: types.h:133
byte dungeon
クエスト対象のダンジョンID / quest dungeon
Definition: types.h:712
s16b fast
Definition: types.h:1025
byte extra
Definition: types.h:754
s16b a_dis
Definition: types.h:929
s16b w_start[5][64]
Definition: types.h:420
byte x_attr
設定変更後のアイテムシンボルカラー / Desired object attribute
Definition: types.h:139
Definition: defines.h:5363
s16b timeout
Definition: types.h:554
s16b tim_invis
Definition: types.h:1043
s16b outer_wall
Definition: types.h:1611
s16b ult_res
Definition: types.h:1038
u32b seed
Definition: types.h:1500
s32b csp
Definition: types.h:1011
byte m_age
Definition: types.h:859
byte tval
Definition: types.h:526
s16b pet_extra_flags
Definition: types.h:1148
s16b skill_tht
Definition: types.h:1341
monster_blow blow[4]
Definition: types.h:327
byte pclass
Definition: types.h:969
s16b energy_need
Definition: types.h:1093
s16b multishadow
Definition: types.h:1078
s16b k_idx
クエスト対象のアイテムID / object index
Definition: types.h:708
byte dx
Definition: types.h:1607
byte bonus
アイテムのボーナス基準値 / Items which have more than 'bonus' magical bonus match
Definition: types.h:1664
Definition: types.h:290
闘技場のモンスターエントリー構造体 / A structure type for arena entry
Definition: types.h:1700
Definition: types.h:837
byte dd
Definition: types.h:552
cptr insc
対象となったアイテムに自動で刻む内容 / Items will be auto-inscribed as 'insc'
Definition: types.h:1660
byte max_to_d
Definition: types.h:221
s32b mhp
Definition: types.h:1006
byte sval
モンスター打倒後に得られるアイテムの小カテゴリID / sval of prize
Definition: types.h:1704
bool esp_undead
Definition: types.h:1280
bool counter
Definition: types.h:1215
int spell_xtra
Definition: types.h:801
s16b a_mhp
Definition: types.h:938
s16b skill_thn
Definition: types.h:1339
byte cost
Definition: types.h:469
u16b reinforce_dd[6]
Definition: types.h:329
s16b tim_reflect
Definition: types.h:1077
s16b north_east
Definition: types.h:1484
byte complev
クリア時プレイヤーレベル / player level (complete)
Definition: types.h:714
s16b tim_res_time
Definition: types.h:1069
u32b muta1
Definition: types.h:1082
u32b spell_forgotten1
Definition: types.h:1106
s16b r_srh
Definition: types.h:850
bool(* monster_hook_type)(int r_idx)
Definition: types.h:1540
char history[4][60]
Definition: types.h:1390
Definition: types.h:418
s16b age
Definition: types.h:1375
const char * cptr
文字列定数用ポインタ定義 / A simple pointer (to unmodifiable strings)
Definition: h-type.h:46
byte pseikaku
Definition: types.h:970
s32b cost
ベースアイテムの基本価値 / Object "base cost"
Definition: types.h:124
byte realm1
Definition: types.h:971
s16b tim_sh_touki
Definition: types.h:1064
byte o_set
Definition: types.h:680
byte number
Definition: types.h:533
s16b weapon_exp[5][64]
Definition: types.h:1111
bool resist_fire
Definition: types.h:1236
s16b r_idx
闘技場のモンスター種族ID(0ならば表彰式) / Monster (0 means victory prizing)
Definition: types.h:1702
byte sexp
Definition: types.h:786
s16b inside_quest
Definition: types.h:999
bool esp_orc
Definition: types.h:1282
char max_dun[4]
Definition: types.h:1586
s16b c_dis
Definition: types.h:893
s16b arena_number
Definition: types.h:997
bool immune_acid
Definition: types.h:1229
s16b feat
Definition: types.h:459
byte action
対象のアイテムを拾う/破壊/放置するかの指定フラグ / Auto-pickup or Destroy or Leave items
Definition: types.h:1662
s16b r_dis
Definition: types.h:846
s16b sc
Definition: types.h:984
s16b bad_buy
Definition: types.h:759
s16b r_idx
クエスト対象のモンスターID / Monster race
Definition: types.h:703
int manedam
Definition: types.h:1443
int flag
Definition: types.h:1749
s32b visit
Definition: types.h:1140
s16b confused
Definition: types.h:1029
int min_level
Definition: types.h:1403
s16b tim_infra
Definition: types.h:1044
bool cumber_glove
Definition: types.h:1195
s16b town_num
Definition: types.h:996
u32b window
Definition: types.h:1209
char turns[10]
Definition: types.h:1570
s16b inner_wall
Definition: types.h:1612
byte level
Definition: types.h:644
u16b total
Definition: types.h:649
s16b tim_mimic
Definition: types.h:1071
bool esp_evil
Definition: types.h:1287
bool sustain_str
Definition: types.h:1261
u32b next_exp
Definition: types.h:339
byte r_ignore
Definition: types.h:368
bool levitation
Definition: types.h:1271
ベースアイテム情報の構造体 / Information about object "kinds", including player knowledge.
Definition: types.h:103
store_type * store
Definition: types.h:1515
byte xtra2
Definition: types.h:541
s16b stat_max_max[6]
Definition: types.h:1017
char cur_dun[4]
Definition: types.h:1584
bool resist_elec
Definition: types.h:1235
s16b tsubureru
Definition: types.h:1066
char what[8]
Definition: types.h:1564
s16b m_idx
Definition: types.h:463
u32b flags7
Definition: types.h:317
char p_a[3]
Definition: types.h:1581
s16b energy_need
Definition: types.h:604
byte realm1
Definition: types.h:1372
u32b r_flags2
Definition: types.h:381
s32b wilderness_y
Definition: types.h:1003
s16b r_adj[6]
Definition: types.h:844
s16b stream1
Definition: types.h:1613
s16b r_sights
Definition: types.h:360
byte f_m_ht
Definition: types.h:867
s32b align
Definition: types.h:1217
byte r_xtra1
Definition: types.h:370
cptr title
Definition: types.h:822
s16b o_idx
Definition: types.h:461
int spell_first
Definition: types.h:806
s16b stat_max_max[6]
Definition: types.h:1383
byte ident
Definition: types.h:556
s16b max_maxhp
Definition: types.h:598
s16b open
Definition: types.h:1713
#define MAX_LJ_DOORS
Definition: defines.h:1189
s16b resist_magic
Definition: types.h:1059
bool telepathy
Definition: types.h:1278
s16b x_thn
Definition: types.h:908
s32b au
Definition: types.h:987
s16b level
処理階層 / Dungeon level
Definition: types.h:702
Definition: types.h:587
byte max_to_h
Definition: types.h:220
int min_lev
Definition: types.h:1423
s16b a_srh
Definition: types.h:933
Definition: types.h:519
byte mode
Definition: types.h:1621
s16b mimic
Definition: types.h:1690
u32b r_flagsr
Definition: types.h:387
u32b flagsr
Definition: types.h:320
char p_r[3]
Definition: types.h:1579
u32b flags2
Definition: types.h:314
s32b last_visit
Definition: types.h:763
s32b chp
Definition: types.h:1007
byte d_attr[F_LIT_MAX]
デフォルトの地形シンボルカラー / Default feature attribute
Definition: types.h:85
bool migite
Definition: types.h:1325
s16b held_m_idx
Definition: types.h:571
byte r_xtra2
Definition: types.h:371
s16b stock_num
Definition: types.h:769
s16b a_thb
Definition: types.h:936
bool bless_blade
Definition: types.h:1293
byte aaf
感知範囲(1-100スクエア) / Area affect radius (1-100)
Definition: types.h:304
s16b blessed
Definition: types.h:1042
u32b name
地形名参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Name (offset)
Definition: types.h:69
s16b stat_top[6]
Definition: types.h:1212
char act_names[8][30]
Definition: types.h:1462
u32b name
Definition: types.h:400
s16b old_spells
Definition: types.h:1179
bool leaving
Definition: types.h:1164
s16b maxdepth
Definition: types.h:1617
Definition: defines.h:971
s16b member_race[MAX_RACES]
Definition: types.h:1470
u32b text
アーティファクト解説(headerオフセット参照) / Text (offset)
Definition: types.h:168
cptr winner
Definition: types.h:823
bool heavy_spell
Definition: types.h:1300
byte min_plev
Definition: types.h:1618
s16b oppose_acid
Definition: types.h:1049
bool anti_tele
Definition: types.h:1259
byte min_level
Definition: types.h:1523
byte sval
ベースアイテム小項目ID / Artifact sub type
Definition: types.h:171
s16b vir_types[8]
Definition: types.h:1087
byte o_bit
Definition: types.h:681
s16b object_kind_idx
Definition: types.h:1176
cptr name
自動拾い/破壊定義の名称一致基準 / Items which have 'name' as part of its name match
Definition: types.h:1659
byte locale[4]
ベースアイテムの生成階テーブル / Allocation level(s)
Definition: types.h:130
s16b stat_use[6]
Definition: types.h:1211
s16b tim_regen
Definition: types.h:1060
u32b gen_flags
アイテムフラグ / Artifact Flags
Definition: types.h:189
s16b chaos_patron
Definition: types.h:1386
s16b dun_level
Definition: types.h:1675
int spell_book
Definition: types.h:800
byte d_char
Definition: types.h:346
s16b blind
Definition: types.h:1027
u32b exp_frac
Definition: types.h:992
char name[32]
Definition: types.h:1357
byte wid
Definition: types.h:408
s16b protevil
Definition: types.h:1036
s16b old_lite
Definition: types.h:1192
s16b ht
Definition: types.h:1376
s16b cut
Definition: types.h:1033
s16b today_mon
Definition: types.h:1150
s16b paralyzed
Definition: types.h:1028
s16b to_dd[2]
Definition: types.h:1305
char history[4][60]
Definition: types.h:1126
s16b target_y
Definition: types.h:615
int road
Definition: types.h:1499
int ds
Definition: types.h:1406
byte rarity
Definition: types.h:342
s16b floor_id
Definition: types.h:1673
Definition: types.h:919
u32b mflags8
Definition: types.h:1633
bool is_dead
Definition: types.h:1134
s16b ele_immune
Definition: types.h:1047
cptr title
Definition: types.h:839
char uid[8]
Definition: types.h:1576
s16b c_thb
Definition: types.h:900
u32b mflags1
Definition: types.h:1628
u32b curse_flags
Definition: types.h:567
s16b r_thn
Definition: types.h:852
s16b destroyed
*破壊*に巻き込まれた時の地形移行先(未実装?) / Default destroyed state
Definition: types.h:78
cptr name
Definition: types.h:1446
s16b skill_dev
Definition: types.h:1334
s16b c_dev
Definition: types.h:894
bool warning
Definition: types.h:1301
bool resist_time
Definition: types.h:1251
s16b south_east
Definition: types.h:1486
u32b flags8
Definition: types.h:318
u32b name
名前データのオフセット(日本語) / Name offset(Japanese)
Definition: types.h:292
byte effect
Definition: types.h:252
Definition: types.h:1412
byte mflag
Definition: types.h:608
bool slow_digest
Definition: types.h:1292
u16b panic_save
Definition: types.h:1129
s16b south[MAX_WID]
Definition: types.h:1480
byte psex
Definition: types.h:1368
s16b special
Definition: types.h:1691
byte fy
Definition: types.h:593
Definition: types.h:398
Definition: types.h:1430
u32b flags[FF_FLAG_SIZE]
地形の基本特性ビット配列 / Flags
Definition: types.h:75
s16b slow
Definition: types.h:1026
s16b mimic
Definition: types.h:467
bool esp_nonliving
Definition: types.h:1289
s32b value
Definition: types.h:1740
byte iy
Definition: types.h:523
u32b flags[TR_FLAG_SIZE]
Definition: types.h:228
bool aware
ベースアイテムが鑑定済かどうか / The player is "aware" of the item's effects
Definition: types.h:146
bool resist_blind
Definition: types.h:1248
s16b skill_exp[GINOU_MAX]
Definition: types.h:1112
u32b visit_mark
Definition: types.h:1677
#define MAX_HGT
表示上のダンジョンの最大垂直サイズ(SCREEN_HGTの3倍が望ましい) Maximum dungeon height in grids, must be a multiple of SCREEN_H...
Definition: defines.h:126
bool tried
ベースアイテムを未鑑定のまま試したことがあるか / The player has "tried" one of the items
Definition: types.h:148
s16b oldpy
Definition: types.h:964
s16b r_pkills
Definition: types.h:363
bool cumber_armor
Definition: types.h:1194
byte psex
Definition: types.h:967
s16b s_start[10]
Definition: types.h:422
s16b tim_levitation
Definition: types.h:1063
byte min_inflate
Definition: types.h:731
byte d_attr
Definition: types.h:345
cptr owner_name
Definition: types.h:726
s16b sc
Definition: types.h:1378
bool resist_neth
Definition: types.h:1249
byte method
Definition: types.h:251
byte cur_num
Definition: types.h:355
byte rarity
Definition: types.h:218
#define F_LIT_MAX
Definition: defines.h:1229
#define FF_FLAG_SIZE
Definition: defines.h:1114
byte max_inflate
Definition: types.h:730
Definition: types.h:1602
s32b last_visit
Definition: types.h:1676
s32b old_race1
Definition: types.h:1143
char day[10]
Definition: types.h:1572
int dd
Definition: types.h:1405
byte mflag2
Definition: types.h:609
u16b reinforce_id[6]
Definition: types.h:328
byte r_drop_gold
Definition: types.h:373
u32b cursed
Definition: types.h:1268
bool resist_dark
Definition: types.h:1243
char how[40]
Definition: types.h:1588
bool resist_shard
Definition: types.h:1246
byte cur_num
レアリティ / Artifact rarity
Definition: types.h:194
byte no
Definition: types.h:940
u32b csp_frac
Definition: types.h:1012
byte freq_spell
魔法&特殊能力仕様頻度(1/n) / Spell frequency
Definition: types.h:311
char p_c[3]
Definition: types.h:1580
s16b index
Definition: types.h:642
u32b total_weight
Definition: types.h:1224
s16b tim_sh_fire
Definition: types.h:1072
byte exit_bldg
Definition: types.h:1166
s16b floor_id
Definition: types.h:357
u16b inscription
Definition: types.h:560
bool resist_cold
Definition: types.h:1237
s16b tim_res_nether
Definition: types.h:1068
byte x_attr[F_LIT_MAX]
設定変更後の地形シンボルカラー / Desired feature attribute
Definition: types.h:88
byte marked
Definition: types.h:558
s16b tim_sh_holy
Definition: types.h:1073
u16b total_winner
Definition: types.h:1128
cptr desc
Definition: types.h:1414
s16b ac
Definition: types.h:550
bool resist_chaos
Definition: types.h:1244
int tag
Definition: types.h:1536
bool lite
Definition: types.h:1272
bool old_icky_wield[2]
Definition: types.h:1187
byte ds
ダメージダイスの数と大きさ / Damage dice/sides
Definition: types.h:120
byte sval
Definition: types.h:527
#define MAX_WID
表示上のダンジョンの最大水平サイズ(SCREEN_WIDの3倍が望ましい) Maximum dungeon width in grids, must be a multiple of SCREEN_WI...
Definition: defines.h:132
s16b dis_ac
Definition: types.h:1313
s16b lightspeed
Definition: types.h:1065
s16b to_a
Definition: types.h:548
s32b other_costs[8]
Definition: types.h:1464
cptr flag
Definition: types.h:1737
byte magic_num2[108]
Definition: types.h:1115
s16b num_mon
QUEST_TYPE_KILL_NUMBER時の目標撃破数 number of monsters on level
Definition: types.h:709
byte d_attr
デフォルトのアイテムシンボルカラー / Default object attribute
Definition: types.h:136
s16b stream2
Definition: types.h:1614
bool free_act
Definition: types.h:1273
s16b run_py
Definition: types.h:1218
s16b maxhp
Definition: types.h:597
s16b oppose_elec
Definition: types.h:1050
byte slot
Definition: types.h:214
byte sub_align
Definition: types.h:591
s16b poisoned
Definition: types.h:1032
bool can_swim
Definition: types.h:1270
bool sutemi
Definition: types.h:1214
s16b health_who
Definition: types.h:1172
s16b c_mhp
Definition: types.h:911
bool old_heavy_shoot
Definition: types.h:1186
s16b hp
Definition: types.h:596
byte xtra1
Definition: types.h:540
s16b to_a
ACボーナス値 / Bonus to armor
Definition: types.h:177
s16b north_west
Definition: types.h:1483
地形情報の構造体 / Information about terrain "features"
Definition: types.h:67
s16b hold_o_idx
Definition: types.h:613
byte ds
ダイス値 / Damage when hits
Definition: types.h:181
byte rarity
基本生成階 / Artifact level
Definition: types.h:192
s16b feat
Definition: types.h:1594
bool kill_wall
Definition: types.h:1297
Definition: types.h:884
Definition: types.h:1511
s16b pit
Definition: types.h:1619
cptr title
Definition: types.h:921
Definition: types.h:1477
s16b to_m_chance
Definition: types.h:1322
u32b name
アーティファクト名(headerオフセット参照) / Name (offset)
Definition: types.h:167
s16b parent_m_idx
Definition: types.h:624
Definition: types.h:1711
byte pclass
Definition: types.h:1370
int min_m_alloc_level
Definition: types.h:1623
byte rating
Definition: types.h:215
byte sex
Definition: types.h:941
byte prace
Definition: types.h:968
u32b mflags4
Definition: types.h:1631
s32b mexp
殺害時基本経験値 / Exp value for kill
Definition: types.h:307
s16b num_jammed
Definition: types.h:1719
s16b next_r_idx
Definition: types.h:338
s16b skill_stl
Definition: types.h:1336
s16b learned_spells
Definition: types.h:1020
s16b c_adj[6]
Definition: types.h:891
s16b sleep
睡眠値 / Inactive counter (base)
Definition: types.h:303
cptr o_text
Definition: types.h:683
int obj_great
Definition: types.h:1649
Definition: types.h:1686
byte flags
クエストに関するフラグビット / quest flags
Definition: types.h:711
s16b stat_max[6]
Definition: types.h:1016
s16b weight
重量 / Weight
Definition: types.h:183
bool impact[2]
Definition: types.h:1295
s16b next_o_idx
Definition: types.h:569
byte level
Definition: types.h:341
u32b flavor_name
未確定名参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Flavor name (offset)
Definition: types.h:107
Definition: types.h:724
s16b old_realm
Definition: types.h:1145
u32b m_a_ability_flags2
Definition: types.h:1638
byte speed
加速(110で+0) / Speed (normally 110)
Definition: types.h:305
byte oops
Definition: types.h:973
s16b dis_to_d[2]
Definition: types.h:1310
byte act_idx
Definition: types.h:232
int level
Definition: types.h:1440
u32b smart
Definition: types.h:622
int smana
Definition: types.h:1441
byte infra
Definition: types.h:871
int dice
Definition: types.h:1743
bool sh_cold
Definition: types.h:1256
#define TR_FLAG_SIZE
Definition: defines.h:3371
s16b num_blow[2]
Definition: types.h:1344
byte r_cast_spell
Definition: types.h:376
s16b pval
Definition: types.h:529
#define MAX_RACES
Definition: defines.h:830
byte max_num
Definition: types.h:353
s16b north[MAX_WID]
Definition: types.h:1479
int effect
Definition: types.h:1407
#define GINOU_MAX
Definition: defines.h:4728
s16b pval
ベースアイテムのpval(能力修正共通値) Object extra info
Definition: types.h:112
#define MAX_CLASS
職業の最大定義数 Maximum number of player "class" types (see "table.c", etc)
Definition: defines.h:183
s16b r_idx
Definition: types.h:589
s32b store_open
Definition: types.h:761
bool see_inv
Definition: types.h:1274
s32b max_max_exp
Definition: types.h:989
byte numstores
Definition: types.h:1516
byte extra
その他色々のビットフラグ配列 / Something
Definition: types.h:134
s16b to_h
命中ボーナス値 / Bonus to hit
Definition: types.h:175
bool old_monlite
Definition: types.h:1190
bool old_riding_wield[2]
Definition: types.h:1188
s16b kabenuke
Definition: types.h:1061
s16b ele_attack
Definition: types.h:1046
unsigned short u16b
Definition: h-type.h:93
byte tval
ベースアイテム種別の大項目値 Object type
Definition: types.h:109
int fail
Definition: types.h:1425
bool mighty_throw
Definition: types.h:1302
byte max_to_a
Definition: types.h:222
s16b stat_add[6]
Definition: types.h:1226
u32b update
Definition: types.h:1207
bool sh_fire
Definition: types.h:1254
byte pet_upkeep_div
Definition: types.h:914
char cur_lev[4]
Definition: types.h:1583
Definition: types.h:749
byte x_char
設定変更後のアイテムシンボルアルファベット / Desired object character
Definition: types.h:140
int final_artifact
Definition: types.h:1644
u16b art_name
Definition: types.h:561
bool anti_magic
Definition: types.h:1258
s16b pval
pval修正値 / Artifact extra info
Definition: types.h:173
s16b actions[8]
Definition: types.h:1466
Definition: types.h:1400
s16b skill_fos
Definition: types.h:1338
int fail
Definition: types.h:1442
s16b cur_num
撃破したモンスターの数 / Number killed
Definition: types.h:705
u32b a_ability_flags1
Definition: types.h:322
s16b feat
Definition: types.h:1689
u32b a_ability_flags3
Definition: types.h:324
s32b au
Definition: types.h:1380
u16b occurrence
Definition: types.h:1692
int y
Definition: types.h:1355
s16b tsuyoshi
Definition: types.h:1045
s16b ht
Definition: types.h:982
s16b pet_follow_distance
Definition: types.h:1147
signed long s32b
Definition: h-type.h:101
s16b mane_num
Definition: types.h:1119
byte r_exp
Definition: types.h:856
s16b closed
Definition: types.h:1715
s16b r_fos
Definition: types.h:851
int mana_cost
Definition: types.h:1424
bool xtra_might
Definition: types.h:1294
Definition: types.h:1421
char name[20]
Definition: types.h:1458
Definition: types.h:1748
char pts[10]
Definition: types.h:1566
feature_state state[MAX_FEAT_STATES]
feature_state テーブル
Definition: types.h:80
byte special_div
Definition: types.h:1647
s16b mane_dam[MAX_MANE]
Definition: types.h:1118
mind_type info[MAX_MIND_POWERS]
Definition: types.h:1432
s16b riding
Definition: types.h:1138
u16b artifact_percent[4]
Definition: types.h:334
s16b insult_cur
Definition: types.h:756
s16b action_restr[8]
Definition: types.h:1467
bool resist_nexus
Definition: types.h:1247
bool old_heavy_wield[2]
Definition: types.h:1185
bool wizard
Definition: types.h:1136
s32b magic_num1[108]
Definition: types.h:1114
s32b old_race2
Definition: types.h:1144
s16b max_num
求められるモンスターの撃破数 / Number required
Definition: types.h:706
s16b member_realm[MAX_MAGIC+1]
Definition: types.h:1471
bool sustain_chr
Definition: types.h:1266
int index
Definition: types.h:1537
byte level
Definition: types.h:1739
feat_prob floor[DUNGEON_FEAT_PROB_NUM]
Definition: types.h:1609
Definition: types.h:1534
s16b weight
Definition: types.h:535
u32b r_flags4
Definition: types.h:383
int(* inven_func)(object_type *)
Definition: types.h:1546
s16b x_srh
Definition: types.h:906
bool resist_pois
Definition: types.h:1238
Definition: types.h:640
Definition: types.h:1671
bool dec_mana
Definition: types.h:1298
byte x_attr
Definition: types.h:349
bool old_riding_ryoute
Definition: types.h:1189
u32b flags[TR_FLAG_SIZE]
ベースアイテムの基本特性ビット配列 / Flags
Definition: types.h:126
s16b * table
Definition: types.h:767
s16b to_a
ベースアイテムのAC修正値 / Bonus to armor
Definition: types.h:116
byte name2
Definition: types.h:538
bool sh_elec
Definition: types.h:1255
s16b alter_reality
Definition: types.h:1090
u32b text
Definition: types.h:401
s16b tim_stealth
Definition: types.h:1062
byte hdice
HPのダイス数 / Creatures hit dice count
Definition: types.h:298
u32b mflags7
Definition: types.h:1632
s16b stat_max[6]
Definition: types.h:1382
s32b max_exp
Definition: types.h:990
s16b ac
上書きベースAC値 / Base armor
Definition: types.h:179
bool ryoute
Definition: types.h:1324
s16b status
クエストの進行ステータス / Is the quest taken, completed, finished?
Definition: types.h:697
u32b m_a_ability_flags4
Definition: types.h:1640
Definition: types.h:1456
s16b vir_types[8]
Definition: types.h:1388
s16b table_num
Definition: types.h:765
bool immune_cold
Definition: types.h:1232
int manefail
Definition: types.h:1444
byte start_race
Definition: types.h:1142
u32b flags1
Definition: types.h:1626
s16b r_akills
Definition: types.h:364
int max_m_alloc_chance
Definition: types.h:1624
int obj_good
Definition: types.h:1650
byte recall_dungeon
Definition: types.h:1091
bool immune_elec
Definition: types.h:1230
s16b c_fos
Definition: types.h:898
bool leaving_dungeon
Definition: types.h:1168
Definition: types.h:1562
s16b cur_lite
Definition: types.h:1203
bool pass_wall
Definition: types.h:1296
byte mspeed
Definition: types.h:603
Definition: types.h:1592
u32b dealt_damage
Definition: types.h:599
byte y
Definition: types.h:483
byte dist
Definition: types.h:470
s16b a_dev
Definition: types.h:930
byte sfail
Definition: types.h:785
s16b c_stl
Definition: types.h:896
s16b to_a
Definition: types.h:1320
s16b tag
地形特性タグ参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Tag (offset)
Definition: types.h:71
bool no_flowed
Definition: types.h:1327
s16b stun
Definition: types.h:1034
byte hside
HPのダイス面数 / Creatures hit dice sides
Definition: types.h:299
u16b artifact_id[4]
Definition: types.h:332
s16b mindepth
Definition: types.h:1616
s16b dis_to_h_b
Definition: types.h:1309
byte pseikaku
Definition: types.h:1371
byte r_wake
Definition: types.h:367
s16b east[MAX_HGT]
Definition: types.h:1481
s16b enchant_energy_need
Definition: types.h:1094
byte cdis
Definition: types.h:606
s16b a_adj[6]
Definition: types.h:927
s16b special
Definition: types.h:465
s16b to_h
Definition: types.h:546
char who[16]
Definition: types.h:1574
s16b oppose_fire
Definition: types.h:1051
u32b flags9
Definition: types.h:319
s16b max_plv
Definition: types.h:1014
byte d_dice
Definition: types.h:253
s16b south_west
Definition: types.h:1485
bool ml
Definition: types.h:611
u32b chp_frac
Definition: types.h:1008
bool see_nocto
Definition: types.h:1303
bool heavy_shoot
Definition: types.h:1197
cptr name
Definition: types.h:1426
u32b spell_learned2
Definition: types.h:1103
bool icky_wield[2]
Definition: types.h:1198
int spell_stat
Definition: types.h:803
s16b skill_dig
Definition: types.h:1342
s16b xtra4
Definition: types.h:543
Definition: types.h:1366
s16b r_dev
Definition: types.h:847
byte o_norm
Definition: types.h:676
s16b r_deaths
Definition: types.h:361
bool inside_arena
Definition: types.h:998
cptr name
Definition: types.h:1526
s32b cost
Definition: types.h:226
bool monlite
Definition: types.h:1201
s16b dis_to_a
Definition: types.h:1311
s32b feeling_turn
Definition: types.h:1158
cptr o_desc
Definition: types.h:684
int constant
Definition: types.h:1742
cptr last_message
Definition: types.h:1125
byte xtra3
Definition: types.h:542
s16b shield
Definition: types.h:1041
u32b r_flags3
Definition: types.h:382
s16b to_d
Definition: types.h:547
s16b tim_eyeeye
Definition: types.h:1074
byte savefile_id
Definition: types.h:1674
byte f_b_wt
Definition: types.h:868
int spell_weight
Definition: types.h:807
s16b floor_id
(未使用)最大生成数 / Unused (should be "1")
Definition: types.h:197
s16b skill_srh
Definition: types.h:1337
byte action
Definition: types.h:1100
s16b c_srh
Definition: types.h:897
u32b r_flags6
Definition: types.h:385
byte r_blows[4]
Definition: types.h:378
char gold[10]
Definition: types.h:1568
s16b player_hp[PY_MAX_LEVEL]
Definition: types.h:1384
s16b a_sav
Definition: types.h:931
u32b a_ability_flags4
Definition: types.h:325
u32b name
ベースアイテム名参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Name (offset)
Definition: types.h:105
u32b muta3
Definition: types.h:1084
bool esp_human
Definition: types.h:1286
byte x_char[F_LIT_MAX]
設定変更後の地形シンボルアルファベット / Desired feature character
Definition: types.h:89
Definition: types.h:209
bool riding_wield[2]
Definition: types.h:1199
byte max_pval
Definition: types.h:224
byte prob1
Definition: types.h:645
Definition: types.h:1521
byte dd
Definition: types.h:181
s16b r_thb
Definition: types.h:853
cptr desc
Definition: types.h:1402
s16b target_x
Definition: types.h:616
u32b a_ability_flags2
Definition: types.h:323
bool esp_animal
Definition: types.h:1279
bool teleport_town
Definition: types.h:1169
bool esp_demon
Definition: types.h:1281
s16b dis_to_h[2]
Definition: types.h:1308
bool heavy_wield[2]
Definition: types.h:1196
u16b expfact
Definition: types.h:976
int tunnel_percent
Definition: types.h:1648
#define MAX_MANE
Definition: defines.h:4805
s16b r_sav
Definition: types.h:848
bool esp_dragon
Definition: types.h:1285
s32b msp
Definition: types.h:1010
int final_object
Definition: types.h:1643
s16b to_ds[2]
Definition: types.h:1306
byte f_m_wt
Definition: types.h:869
byte owner_race
Definition: types.h:737
u32b mflagsr
Definition: types.h:1635
bool autopick_autoregister
Definition: types.h:1155
byte realm2
Definition: types.h:1373
byte prob2
Definition: types.h:646
u32b comptime
クリア時ゲーム時間 / quest clear time
Definition: types.h:715
s16b shero
Definition: types.h:1040
s16b west[MAX_HGT]
Definition: types.h:1482
s16b oppose_cold
Definition: types.h:1052
bool resist_disen
Definition: types.h:1245
byte act_idx
発動能力のID / Activative ability index
Definition: types.h:150
s16b x_thb
Definition: types.h:909
s16b a_thn
Definition: types.h:935
cptr title
Definition: types.h:886
bool sustain_wis
Definition: types.h:1263
cptr name
Definition: types.h:1751
char name[60]
クエスト名 / Quest name
Definition: types.h:701
byte ix
Definition: types.h:524
s16b skill_dis
Definition: types.h:1333
s16b to_h_m
Definition: types.h:1317
u16b reinforce_ds[6]
Definition: types.h:330
u16b artifact_rarity[4]
Definition: types.h:333
s16b extra
未使用 / Unused (for now)
Definition: types.h:309
unsigned long u32b
Definition: h-type.h:102
byte discount
Definition: types.h:531
byte max_num
現在の生成数 / Number created (0 or 1)
Definition: types.h:195
s16b member_class[MAX_CLASS]
Definition: types.h:1469
byte tval
モンスター打倒後に得られるアイテムの大カテゴリID / tval of prize (0 means no prize)
Definition: types.h:1703
Definition: types.h:781
s16b add_spells
Definition: types.h:1021
bool riding_ryoute
Definition: types.h:1200
s16b result
変化先ID / Result (f_info ID)
Definition: types.h:56
s16b to_d[2]
Definition: types.h:1318
s16b weight
ベースアイテムの重量 / Weight
Definition: types.h:122
char letters[8]
Definition: types.h:1465
s16b new_spells
Definition: types.h:1178
s16b mtimed[MAX_MTIMED]
Definition: types.h:601
bool reflect
Definition: types.h:1253
int chance
Definition: types.h:1404
s16b table_size
Definition: types.h:766
bool immune_fire
Definition: types.h:1231
s16b afraid
Definition: types.h:1030
bool sustain_con
Definition: types.h:1265
地形状態変化指定構造体 / Feature state structure
Definition: types.h:53
byte o_page
Definition: types.h:678
byte haggle_per
Definition: types.h:733
object_type * stock
Definition: types.h:771
char bool
bool型をcharとして定義 / Note that a bool is smaller than a full "int" / Simple True/False type
Definition: h-type.h:77
bool resist_acid
Definition: types.h:1234
s16b a_stl
Definition: types.h:932
s16b to_h[2]
Definition: types.h:1315
cptr desc
Definition: types.h:1745
s16b virtues[8]
Definition: types.h:1086
s16b image
Definition: types.h:1031
s16b c_thn
Definition: types.h:899
自動拾い/破壊設定データの構造体 / A structure type for entry of auto-picker/destroyer
Definition: types.h:1658
byte m_b_ht
Definition: types.h:861
byte m_b_wt
Definition: types.h:863
u32b gen_flags
Definition: types.h:230
char name[32]
Definition: types.h:1513
s16b r_tkills
Definition: types.h:365
s16b xtra5
Definition: types.h:544
byte prob3
Definition: types.h:647
bool easy_spell
Definition: types.h:1299
u16b info
Definition: types.h:457
s16b num_fire
Definition: types.h:1345
Definition: types.h:1736
固定アーティファクト情報の構造体 / Artifact structure.
Definition: types.h:165
byte type
Definition: types.h:751
bool resist_fear
Definition: types.h:1250
#define MAX_MTIMED
Definition: defines.h:5537
s16b tim_esp
Definition: types.h:1056
byte knowledge
Definition: types.h:1139
int type
Definition: types.h:1750
s16b upper_floor_id
Definition: types.h:1678
s16b to_h
ベースアイテムの命中修正値 / Bonus to hit
Definition: types.h:114
u16b noscore
Definition: types.h:1131
u32b special_attack
Definition: types.h:1098
u32b flags4
Definition: types.h:316
byte r_drop_item
Definition: types.h:374
s32b wilderness_x
Definition: types.h:1002
byte percent
Definition: types.h:1595
u32b mflags3
Definition: types.h:1630
u32b flags3
Definition: types.h:315
byte chance[4]
ベースアイテムの生成確率テーブル / Allocation chance(s)
Definition: types.h:131
byte entrance
Definition: types.h:1502
s16b run_px
Definition: types.h:1219
int use_stat
Definition: types.h:1445
cptr info
Definition: types.h:1416
#define MAX_MAGIC
Definition: defines.h:693
u16b nickname
Definition: types.h:618
Definition: types.h:962
s16b x_dis
Definition: types.h:902
s16b level
Definition: types.h:1501
u32b text
解説テキスト参照のためのネームバッファオフセット値 / Text (offset)
Definition: types.h:106
byte name1
Definition: types.h:537
bool old_cumber_armor
Definition: types.h:1183
char owner_race[20]
Definition: types.h:1460
int town
Definition: types.h:1498
s16b wraith_form
Definition: types.h:1057
bool hold_exp
Definition: types.h:1276
s16b ap_r_idx
Definition: types.h:590
byte level
Definition: types.h:217
u32b mflags9
Definition: types.h:1634
s16b wt
Definition: types.h:983
byte rat
Definition: types.h:405
#define PY_MAX_LEVEL
プレイヤーレベルの最大値 / Maximum level
Definition: defines.h:637
s16b wt
Definition: types.h:1377
s16b stock_size
Definition: types.h:770
char died_from[80]
Definition: types.h:1124
s16b energy_use
Definition: types.h:1353
byte prace
Definition: types.h:1369
s16b skill_thb
Definition: types.h:1340
byte smana
Definition: types.h:784
bool playing
Definition: types.h:1163
s16b flavor
調査中(TODO) / Special object flavor (or zero)
Definition: types.h:142
byte pspeed
Definition: types.h:1351
byte tval
ベースアイテム大項目ID / Artifact type
Definition: types.h:170
s16b oldpx
Definition: types.h:965
bool sustain_dex
Definition: types.h:1264
s16b r_stl
Definition: types.h:849
signed short s16b
Definition: h-type.h:92
u32b choice
Definition: types.h:873
byte m_m_ht
Definition: types.h:862
u32b muta2
Definition: types.h:1083
s16b x_dev
Definition: types.h:903
bool regenerate
Definition: types.h:1275
byte insult_max
Definition: types.h:735
byte mimic_form
Definition: types.h:1070
bool wait_report_score
Definition: types.h:1133
s16b a_fos
Definition: types.h:934
bool wild_mode
Definition: types.h:1004
byte hgt
Definition: types.h:407
s16b player_hp[PY_MAX_LEVEL]
Definition: types.h:1123
s16b num_locked
Definition: types.h:1717
byte tval_ammo
Definition: types.h:1349
s16b age
Definition: types.h:981
u32b text
Definition: types.h:1604
bool esp_troll
Definition: types.h:1283
s16b oppose_pois
Definition: types.h:1053
u32b count
Definition: types.h:1023
bool resist_sound
Definition: types.h:1241
byte dd
Definition: types.h:120
s16b floor_id
Definition: types.h:1153
s16b to_h_b
Definition: types.h:1316
Definition: types.h:481
bool esp_unique
Definition: types.h:1290
Definition: types.h:260
byte d_char[F_LIT_MAX]
デフォルトの地形シンボルアルファベット / Default feature character
Definition: types.h:86
s16b hero
Definition: types.h:1039
s16b to_d
ダメージボーナス値 / Bonus to damage
Definition: types.h:176
s16b type
クエストの種別 / The quest type
Definition: types.h:699
u32b seed
Definition: types.h:1514
s32b member_costs[8]
Definition: types.h:1463
byte act_idx
アイテムを落としたフロアのID / Leaved on this location last time
Definition: types.h:199
u32b special_defense
Definition: types.h:1099
u32b text
思い出テキストのオフセット / Lore text offset
Definition: types.h:296
s16b to_d
ベースアイテムのダメージ修正値 / Bonus to damage
Definition: types.h:115
s16b mimic
未確定時の外形地形ID / Feature to mimic
Definition: types.h:73
u32b spell_worked2
Definition: types.h:1105
u32b exp
Definition: types.h:620
u16b info
Definition: types.h:1688
s16b old_food_aux
Definition: types.h:1181
byte owner
Definition: types.h:753
u32b gen_flags
ベースアイテムの生成特性ビット配列 / flags for generate
Definition: types.h:128
bool esp_giant
Definition: types.h:1284
u32b redraw
Definition: types.h:1208
u32b r_flags1
Definition: types.h:380
u32b spell_worked1
Definition: types.h:1104
byte tval_xtra
Definition: types.h:1347
char max_lev[4]
Definition: types.h:1585
byte subtype
Definition: types.h:82
feat_prob fill[DUNGEON_FEAT_PROB_NUM]
Definition: types.h:1610
クエスト情報の構造体 / Structure for the "quests".
Definition: types.h:695
s16b x_fos
Definition: types.h:907
u32b notice
Definition: types.h:1206
s16b c_exp
Definition: types.h:912
s16b magicdef
Definition: types.h:1067
s16b ac
Definition: types.h:1329
s16b food
Definition: types.h:1096
s32b cost
基本価格 / Artifact "cost"
Definition: types.h:185
bool easy_know
ベースアイテムが初期からベース名を判断可能かどうか / This object is always known (if aware)
Definition: types.h:144
s16b word_recall
Definition: types.h:1089
s16b s_max[10]
Definition: types.h:423
bool inside_battle
Definition: types.h:1000
u16b priority
縮小表示で省略する際の表示優先度 / Map priority
Definition: types.h:77
byte max_level
Definition: types.h:1524
s16b good_buy
Definition: types.h:758
u32b name
Definition: types.h:1603
byte ds
Definition: types.h:552
char owner_name[20]
Definition: types.h:1459
byte typ
Definition: types.h:403
s16b k_idx
Definition: types.h:521
s16b chaos_patron
Definition: types.h:1081
byte dy
Definition: types.h:1606
byte index
Definition: types.h:1738
byte feeling
Definition: types.h:563
byte realm2
Definition: types.h:972
byte when
Definition: types.h:471
byte feeling
Definition: types.h:1157
s16b to_d_m
Definition: types.h:1319
s16b stat_cur[6]
Definition: types.h:1018
magic_type info[MAX_MAGIC][32]
Definition: types.h:809
int min_level
Definition: types.h:1415
byte fx
Definition: types.h:594
超能力の数 / Mindcraft
Definition: defines.h:341
s16b monster_race_idx
Definition: types.h:1174
byte action
変化条件をFF_*のIDで指定 / Action (FF_*)
Definition: types.h:55
int terrain
Definition: types.h:1497
u32b flags[TR_FLAG_SIZE]
Definition: types.h:187
u32b name
Definition: types.h:211
Definition: types.h:455
s16b w_max[5][64]
Definition: types.h:421
s16b skill_sav
Definition: types.h:1335
byte x_char
Definition: types.h:350
s16b see_infra
Definition: types.h:1331
byte m_m_wt
Definition: types.h:864
u32b m_a_ability_flags1
Definition: types.h:1637
s32b exp
Definition: types.h:991
byte d_char
デフォルトのアイテムシンボルアルファベット / Default object character
Definition: types.h:137
bool enter_dungeon
Definition: types.h:1170
u32b art_flags[TR_FLAG_SIZE]
Definition: types.h:565
s16b lower_floor_id
Definition: types.h:1679
u32b flags1
Definition: types.h:313
int x
Definition: types.h:1356
s16b stat_ind[6]
Definition: types.h:1227
int final_guardian
Definition: types.h:1645
byte b_age
Definition: types.h:858
byte level
アイテム生成フラグ / flags for generate
Definition: types.h:191
Definition: types.h:1495
s16b spell_exp[64]
Definition: types.h:1110
byte slevel
Definition: types.h:783
byte r_mhp
Definition: types.h:855
s16b ac
ベースアイテムのAC基本値 / Base armor
Definition: types.h:118
s16b mane_spell[MAX_MANE]
Definition: types.h:1117
byte d_side
Definition: types.h:254
u32b mflags2
Definition: types.h:1629
Definition: types.h:820
Definition: types.h:672
byte x
Definition: types.h:484
byte spell_order[64]
Definition: types.h:1108
s16b dustrobe
Definition: types.h:1079
s16b nest
Definition: types.h:1620
Definition: types.h:1438
s16b c_sav
Definition: types.h:895
s16b lev
Definition: types.h:994
byte power
Definition: types.h:83
char sex[2]
Definition: types.h:1578
byte sval
ベースアイテム種別の小項目値 Object sub type
Definition: types.h:110
Definition: types.h:249
s16b x_sav
Definition: types.h:904
int explode_type
Definition: types.h:263
bool sustain_int
Definition: types.h:1262
bool dtrap
Definition: types.h:1152
u32b text
Definition: types.h:212
byte hitdie
Definition: types.h:975
u32b spell_learned1
Definition: types.h:1102
Definition: types.h:798
s16b concent
Definition: types.h:1121
bool hidarite
Definition: types.h:1326
bool resist_conf
Definition: types.h:1240
s16b x_stl
Definition: types.h:905
u32b r_flags5
Definition: types.h:384
s32b max_cost
Definition: types.h:728
s16b invuln
Definition: types.h:1037
bool resist_lite
Definition: types.h:1242
bool * o_var
Definition: types.h:674
u32b m_a_ability_flags3
Definition: types.h:1639
s16b broken
Definition: types.h:1714
bool quick_ok
Definition: types.h:1392
byte f_b_ht
Definition: types.h:866
s16b ac
アーマークラス / Armour Class
Definition: types.h:301
char r_char[5]
Definition: types.h:1642