Hengband  2.1.4
データ構造 | 型定義
types.h ファイル

グローバルな構造体の定義 / global type declarations [詳解]




struct  feature_state
 地形状態変化指定構造体 / Feature state structure [詳解]
struct  feature_type
 地形情報の構造体 / Information about terrain "features" [詳解]
struct  object_kind
 ベースアイテム情報の構造体 / Information about object "kinds", including player knowledge. [詳解]
struct  artifact_type
 固定アーティファクト情報の構造体 / Artifact structure. [詳解]
struct  ego_item_type
struct  monster_blow
struct  mbe_info_type
struct  monster_race
struct  vault_type
struct  skill_table
struct  cave_type
struct  coord
struct  object_type
struct  monster_type
struct  alloc_entry
struct  option_type
struct  quest_type
 クエスト情報の構造体 / Structure for the "quests". [詳解]
struct  owner_type
struct  store_type
struct  magic_type
struct  player_magic
struct  player_sex
struct  player_race
struct  player_class
struct  player_seikaku
struct  player_type
struct  birther
struct  martial_arts
struct  kamae
struct  mind_type
struct  mind_power
struct  monster_power
struct  building_type
struct  border_type
struct  wilderness_type
struct  town_type
struct  dun_type
struct  tag_type
struct  high_score
struct  feat_prob
struct  dungeon_info_type
struct  autopick_type
 自動拾い/破壊設定データの構造体 / A structure type for entry of auto-picker/destroyer [詳解]
struct  saved_floor_type
struct  cave_template_type
struct  arena_type
 闘技場のモンスターエントリー構造体 / A structure type for arena entry [詳解]
struct  door_type
struct  activation_type
struct  dragonbreath_type


typedef struct feature_state feature_state
typedef struct feature_type feature_type
typedef struct object_kind object_kind
typedef struct artifact_type artifact_type
typedef struct ego_item_type ego_item_type
typedef struct monster_blow monster_blow
typedef struct mbe_info_type mbe_info_type
typedef struct monster_race monster_race
typedef struct vault_type vault_type
typedef struct skill_table skill_table
typedef struct cave_type cave_type
typedef struct coord coord
typedef struct object_type object_type
typedef struct monster_type monster_type
typedef struct alloc_entry alloc_entry
typedef struct option_type option_type
typedef struct quest_type quest_type
typedef struct owner_type owner_type
typedef struct store_type store_type
typedef struct magic_type magic_type
typedef struct player_magic player_magic
typedef struct player_sex player_sex
typedef struct player_race player_race
typedef struct player_class player_class
typedef struct player_seikaku player_seikaku
typedef struct player_type player_type
typedef struct birther birther
typedef struct martial_arts martial_arts
typedef struct kamae kamae
typedef struct mind_type mind_type
typedef struct mind_power mind_power
typedef struct monster_power monster_power
typedef struct building_type building_type
typedef struct border_type border_type
typedef struct wilderness_type wilderness_type
typedef struct town_type town_type
typedef struct dun_type dun_type
typedef struct tag_type tag_type
typedef bool(* monster_hook_type) (int r_idx)
typedef int(* inven_func) (object_type *)
typedef struct high_score high_score
typedef struct dungeon_info_type dungeon_info_type


グローバルな構造体の定義 / global type declarations

Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
This file should ONLY be included by "angband.h"
Note that "char" may or may not be signed, and that "signed char"
may or may not work on all machines.  So always use "s16b" or "s32b"
for signed values.  Also, note that unsigned values cause math problems
in many cases, so try to only use "u16b" and "u32b" for "bit flags",
unless you really need the extra bit of information, or you really
need to restrict yourself to a single byte for storage reasons.
Also, if possible, attempt to restrict yourself to sub-fields of
known size (use "s16b" or "s32b" instead of "int", and "byte" instead
of "bool"), and attempt to align all fields along four-byte words, to
optimize storage issues on 32-bit machines.  Also, avoid "bit flags"
since these increase the code size and slow down execution.  When
you need to store bit flags, use one byte per flag, or, where space
is an issue, use a "byte" or "u16b" or "u32b", and add special code
to access the various bit flags.
Many of these structures were developed to reduce the number of global
variables, facilitate structured program design, allow the use of ascii
template files, simplify access to indexed data, or facilitate efficient
clearing of many variables at once.
Certain data is saved in multiple places for efficient access, currently,
this includes the tval/sval/weight fields in "object_type", various fields
in "header_type", and the "m_idx" and "o_idx" fields in "cave_type".  All
of these could be removed, but this would, in general, slow down the game
and increase the complexity of the code.


◆ alloc_entry

typedef struct alloc_entry alloc_entry

◆ artifact_type

typedef struct artifact_type artifact_type

◆ birther

typedef struct birther birther

◆ border_type

typedef struct border_type border_type

◆ building_type

typedef struct building_type building_type

◆ cave_type

typedef struct cave_type cave_type

◆ coord

typedef struct coord coord

◆ dun_type

typedef struct dun_type dun_type

◆ dungeon_info_type

◆ ego_item_type

typedef struct ego_item_type ego_item_type

◆ feature_state

typedef struct feature_state feature_state

◆ feature_type

typedef struct feature_type feature_type

◆ high_score

typedef struct high_score high_score

◆ inven_func

typedef int(* inven_func) (object_type *)

◆ kamae

typedef struct kamae kamae

◆ magic_type

typedef struct magic_type magic_type

◆ martial_arts

typedef struct martial_arts martial_arts

◆ mbe_info_type

typedef struct mbe_info_type mbe_info_type

◆ mind_power

typedef struct mind_power mind_power

◆ mind_type

typedef struct mind_type mind_type

◆ monster_blow

typedef struct monster_blow monster_blow

◆ monster_hook_type

typedef bool(* monster_hook_type) (int r_idx)

◆ monster_power

typedef struct monster_power monster_power

◆ monster_race

typedef struct monster_race monster_race

◆ monster_type

typedef struct monster_type monster_type

◆ object_kind

typedef struct object_kind object_kind

◆ object_type

typedef struct object_type object_type

◆ option_type

typedef struct option_type option_type

◆ owner_type

typedef struct owner_type owner_type

◆ player_class

typedef struct player_class player_class

◆ player_magic

typedef struct player_magic player_magic

◆ player_race

typedef struct player_race player_race

◆ player_seikaku

◆ player_sex

typedef struct player_sex player_sex

◆ player_type

typedef struct player_type player_type

◆ quest_type

typedef struct quest_type quest_type

◆ skill_table

typedef struct skill_table skill_table

◆ store_type

typedef struct store_type store_type

◆ tag_type

typedef struct tag_type tag_type

◆ town_type

typedef struct town_type town_type

◆ vault_type

typedef struct vault_type vault_type

◆ wilderness_type