Hengband  2.1.4
tables.c ファイル

ゲーム情報テーブル / Angband Tables [詳解]

#include "angband.h"
tables.c の依存先関係図:


const s16b ddd [9]
 キーパッドの方向を南から反時計回り順に列挙 / Global array for looping through the "keypad directions" [詳解]
const s16b ddx [10]
 dddで定義した順にベクトルのX軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for converting "keypad direction" into offsets [詳解]
const s16b ddy [10]
 dddで定義した順にベクトルのY軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for converting "keypad direction" into offsets [詳解]
const s16b ddx_ddd [9]
 ddd越しにベクトルのX軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for optimizing "ddx[ddd[i]]" and "ddy[ddd[i]]" [詳解]
const s16b ddy_ddd [9]
 ddd越しにベクトルのY軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for optimizing "ddx[ddd[i]]" and "ddy[ddd[i]]" [詳解]
const s16b cdd [8]
 キーパッドの円環状方向配列 / Circular keypad direction array [詳解]
const s16b ddx_cdd [8]
 cdd越しにベクトルのX軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for optimizing "ddx[cdd[i]]" and "ddy[cdd[i]]" [詳解]
const s16b ddy_cdd [8]
 cdd越しにベクトルのY軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for optimizing "ddx[cdd[i]]" and "ddy[cdd[i]]" [詳解]
const char hexsym [16]
 10進数から16進数への変換テーブル / Global array for converting numbers to uppercase hecidecimal digit This array can also be used to convert a number to an octal digit [詳解]
const char listsym []
 選択処理用キーコード / Global array for converting numbers to a logical list symbol [詳解]
const cptr color_char = "dwsorgbuDWvyRGBU"
 スクリーン表示色キャラクタ / Encode the screen colors [詳解]
const byte adj_mag_study []
 知力/賢さによるレベル毎の習得可能魔法数テーブル Stat Table (INT/WIS) – Number of half-spells per level [詳解]
const byte adj_mag_mana []
 知力/賢さによるMP修正テーブル Stat Table (INT/WIS) – extra 1/4-mana-points per level [詳解]
const byte adj_mag_fail []
 知力/賢さによる最低魔法失敗率テーブル Stat Table (INT/WIS) – Minimum failure rate (percentage) [詳解]
const byte adj_mag_stat []
 知力/賢さによる魔法失敗率修正テーブル Stat Table (INT/WIS) – Various things [詳解]
const byte adj_chr_gold []
 魅力による店での取引修正テーブル Stat Table (CHR) – payment percentages [詳解]
const byte adj_int_dev []
 知力による魔道具使用修正テーブル Stat Table (INT) – Magic devices [詳解]
const byte adj_wis_sav []
 賢さによる魔法防御修正テーブル Stat Table (WIS) – Saving throw [詳解]
const byte adj_dex_dis []
 器用さによるトラップ解除修正テーブル Stat Table (DEX) – disarming [詳解]
const byte adj_int_dis []
 知力によるトラップ解除修正テーブル Stat Table (INT) – disarming [詳解]
const byte adj_dex_ta []
 器用さによるAC修正テーブル Stat Table (DEX) – bonus to ac (plus 128) [詳解]
const byte adj_str_td []
 腕力によるダメージ修正テーブル Stat Table (STR) – bonus to dam (plus 128) [詳解]
const byte adj_dex_th []
 器用度による命中修正テーブル Stat Table (DEX) – bonus to hit (plus 128) [詳解]
const byte adj_str_th []
 腕力による命中修正テーブル Stat Table (STR) – bonus to hit (plus 128) [詳解]
const byte adj_str_wgt []
 腕力による基本所持重量値テーブル Stat Table (STR) – weight limit in deca-pounds [詳解]
const byte adj_str_hold []
 腕力による武器重量限界値テーブル Stat Table (STR) – weapon weight limit in pounds [詳解]
const byte adj_str_dig []
 腕力による採掘能力修正値テーブル Stat Table (STR) – digging value [詳解]
const byte adj_str_blow []
 腕力による攻撃回数算定値テーブル Stat Table (STR) – help index into the "blow" table [詳解]
const byte adj_dex_blow []
 器用さによる攻撃回数インデックステーブル Stat Table (DEX) – index into the "blow" table [詳解]
const byte adj_dex_safe []
 器用さによる盗難防止&体当たり成功判定修正テーブル Stat Table (DEX) – chance of avoiding "theft" and "falling" [詳解]
const byte adj_con_fix []
 耐久による基本HP自然治癒値テーブル / Stat Table (CON) – base regeneration rate [詳解]
const byte adj_con_mhp []
 耐久による基本HP自然治癒値テーブル / Stat Table (CON) – extra 1/4-hitpoints per level (plus 128) [詳解]
const byte adj_chr_chm []
 魅力による魅了能力修正テーブル / Stat Table (CHR) – charm [詳解]
const byte blows_table [12][12]
 魅力による魅了能力修正テーブル / This table is used to help calculate the number of blows the player can make in a single round of attacks (one player turn) with a normal weapon. [詳解]
const arena_type arena_info [MAX_ARENA_MONS+2]
 闘技場のモンスターID及び報酬アイテムテーブル [詳解]
const owner_type owners [MAX_STORES][MAX_OWNERS]
 闘技場のモンスターID及び報酬アイテムテーブル / Store owners (exactly four "possible" owners per store, chosen randomly) [詳解]
const byte extract_energy [200]
 加速値による実質速度修正倍率テーブル / This table allows quick conversion from "speed" to "energy" [詳解]
const s32b player_exp [PY_MAX_LEVEL]
 基本必要経験値テーブル / Base experience levels, may be adjusted up for race and/or class [詳解]
const s32b player_exp_a [PY_MAX_LEVEL]
 基本必要強化値テーブル(アンドロイド専用) [詳解]
const player_sex sex_info [MAX_SEXES]
 性別表記 / Player Sexes [詳解]
const player_race race_info [MAX_RACES]
 種族情報 / Player Races [詳解]
const player_class class_info [MAX_CLASS]
 職業情報 / Player Classes [詳解]
const player_seikaku seikaku_info [MAX_SEIKAKU]
 性格情報 / Player Character [詳解]
const player_race mimic_info []
 変身種族情報 [詳解]
const magic_type technic_info [NUM_TECHNIC][32]
 歌、剣術、呪術領域情報テーブル [詳解]
const u32b fake_spell_flags [4]
 魔法領域フラグ管理テーブル / Zangband uses this array instead of the spell flags table, as there are 5 realms of magic, each with 4 spellbooks and 8 spells per book – TY [詳解]
const s32b realm_choices1 [MAX_CLASS]
 職業毎に選択可能な第一領域魔法テーブル [詳解]
const s32b realm_choices2 [MAX_CLASS]
 職業毎に選択可能な第二領域魔法テーブル [詳解]
const cptr realm_names []
const int chest_traps [64]
 箱のトラップテーブル [詳解]
const cptr player_title [MAX_CLASS][PY_MAX_LEVEL/5]
 職業とレベル毎のプレイヤー称号テーブル / Class titles for the player. [詳解]
const monster_power monster_powers [MAX_MONSPELLS]
 青魔法テーブル [詳解]
const cptr monster_powers_short [MAX_MONSPELLS]
 モンスター魔法名テーブル [詳解]
const cptr color_names [16]
 色名称テーブル / Hack – the "basic" color names (see "TERM_xxx") [詳解]
const cptr stat_names [6]
 能力値テーブル / Abbreviations of healthy stats [詳解]
const cptr stat_names_reduced [6]
 能力値テーブル(能力低下時) / Abbreviations of damaged stats [詳解]
const cptr window_flag_desc [32]
 サブウィンドウ名称テーブル [詳解]
const option_type option_info []
 オプションテーブル / Available Options [詳解]
const cptr chaos_patrons [MAX_PATRON]
const int chaos_stats [MAX_PATRON]
 カオスパトロンの報酬能力値テーブル [詳解]
const int chaos_rewards [MAX_PATRON][20]
 カオスパトロンの報酬テーブル [詳解]
const martial_arts ma_blows [MAX_MA]
 マーシャルアーツ打撃テーブル [詳解]
const int monk_ave_damage [PY_MAX_LEVEL+1][3]
 修行僧のターンダメージ算出テーブル [詳解]
const cptr game_inscriptions []
 アイテムの価値記述テーブル / Table of game-generated inscriptions (indexed by the defines in defines.h). [詳解]
const kamae kamae_shurui [MAX_KAMAE]
 修行僧の構え能力テーブル [詳解]
const kamae kata_shurui [MAX_KATA]
 剣術家の構え能力テーブル [詳解]
const cptr exp_level_str [5]
 技能値到達表記テーブル [詳解]
const cptr silly_attacks [MAX_SILLY_ATTACK]
 幻覚時の打撃記述テーブル / Weird melee attack types when hallucinating [詳解]
const cptr ident_info []
 シンボル解説テーブル / The table of "symbol info" – each entry is a string of the form "X:desc" where "X" is the trigger, and "desc" is the "info". [詳解]
const mbe_info_type mbe_info []
 モンスターの打撃効力テーブル / The table of monsters' blow effects [詳解]
const byte feature_action_flags [FF_FLAG_MAX]
 地形状態フラグテーブル / The table of features' actions [詳解]
const dragonbreath_type dragonbreath_info []
 装備耐性に準じたブレス効果の選択テーブル / Define flags, effect type, name for dragon breath activation [詳解]
const activation_type activation_info []
 アイテムの発動効果テーブル / Define flags, levels, values of activations [詳解]
const cptr artifact_bias_name [MAX_BIAS]


ゲーム情報テーブル / Angband Tables

Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.


◆ activation_info

const activation_type activation_info[]

アイテムの発動効果テーブル / Define flags, levels, values of activations

◆ adj_chr_chm

const byte adj_chr_chm[]

魅力による魅了能力修正テーブル / Stat Table (CHR) – charm

◆ adj_chr_gold

const byte adj_chr_gold[]

魅力による店での取引修正テーブル Stat Table (CHR) – payment percentages

◆ adj_con_fix

const byte adj_con_fix[]

耐久による基本HP自然治癒値テーブル / Stat Table (CON) – base regeneration rate

◆ adj_con_mhp

const byte adj_con_mhp[]

耐久による基本HP自然治癒値テーブル / Stat Table (CON) – extra 1/4-hitpoints per level (plus 128)

◆ adj_dex_blow

const byte adj_dex_blow[]

器用さによる攻撃回数インデックステーブル Stat Table (DEX) – index into the "blow" table

◆ adj_dex_dis

const byte adj_dex_dis[]

器用さによるトラップ解除修正テーブル Stat Table (DEX) – disarming

◆ adj_dex_safe

const byte adj_dex_safe[]

器用さによる盗難防止&体当たり成功判定修正テーブル Stat Table (DEX) – chance of avoiding "theft" and "falling"

◆ adj_dex_ta

const byte adj_dex_ta[]

器用さによるAC修正テーブル Stat Table (DEX) – bonus to ac (plus 128)

◆ adj_dex_th

const byte adj_dex_th[]

器用度による命中修正テーブル Stat Table (DEX) – bonus to hit (plus 128)

◆ adj_int_dev

const byte adj_int_dev[]

知力による魔道具使用修正テーブル Stat Table (INT) – Magic devices

◆ adj_int_dis

const byte adj_int_dis[]

知力によるトラップ解除修正テーブル Stat Table (INT) – disarming

◆ adj_mag_fail

const byte adj_mag_fail[]

知力/賢さによる最低魔法失敗率テーブル Stat Table (INT/WIS) – Minimum failure rate (percentage)

◆ adj_mag_mana

const byte adj_mag_mana[]

知力/賢さによるMP修正テーブル Stat Table (INT/WIS) – extra 1/4-mana-points per level

◆ adj_mag_stat

const byte adj_mag_stat[]

知力/賢さによる魔法失敗率修正テーブル Stat Table (INT/WIS) – Various things

◆ adj_mag_study

const byte adj_mag_study[]

知力/賢さによるレベル毎の習得可能魔法数テーブル Stat Table (INT/WIS) – Number of half-spells per level

◆ adj_str_blow

const byte adj_str_blow[]

腕力による攻撃回数算定値テーブル Stat Table (STR) – help index into the "blow" table

◆ adj_str_dig

const byte adj_str_dig[]

腕力による採掘能力修正値テーブル Stat Table (STR) – digging value

◆ adj_str_hold

const byte adj_str_hold[]

腕力による武器重量限界値テーブル Stat Table (STR) – weapon weight limit in pounds

◆ adj_str_td

const byte adj_str_td[]

腕力によるダメージ修正テーブル Stat Table (STR) – bonus to dam (plus 128)

◆ adj_str_th

const byte adj_str_th[]

腕力による命中修正テーブル Stat Table (STR) – bonus to hit (plus 128)

◆ adj_str_wgt

const byte adj_str_wgt[]

腕力による基本所持重量値テーブル Stat Table (STR) – weight limit in deca-pounds

◆ adj_wis_sav

const byte adj_wis_sav[]

賢さによる魔法防御修正テーブル Stat Table (WIS) – Saving throw

◆ arena_info

const arena_type arena_info[MAX_ARENA_MONS+2]


◆ artifact_bias_name

const cptr artifact_bias_name[MAX_BIAS]

◆ blows_table

const byte blows_table[12][12]
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 },
{ 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 },
{ 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5 },
{ 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 },
{ 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 },
{ 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6 },
{ 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6 },
{ 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6 },
{ 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6 },
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6 },
{ 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6 },
{ 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6 },

魅力による魅了能力修正テーブル / This table is used to help calculate the number of blows the player can make in a single round of attacks (one player turn) with a normal weapon.

This number ranges from a single blow/round for weak players to up to six
blows/round for powerful warriors.
Note that certain artifacts and ego-items give "bonus" blows/round.
First, from the player class, we extract some values:
Warrior       num = 6; mul = 5; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
Berserker     num = 6; mul = 7; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
Mage          num = 3; mul = 2; div = MAX(100, weapon_weight);
Priest        num = 5; mul = 3; div = MAX(100, weapon_weight);
Mindcrafter   num = 5; mul = 3; div = MAX(100, weapon_weight);
Rogue         num = 5; mul = 3; div = MAX(40, weapon_weight);
Ranger        num = 5; mul = 4; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
Paladin       num = 5; mul = 4; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
Weaponsmith   num = 5; mul = 5; div = MAX(150, weapon_weight);
Warrior-Mage  num = 5; mul = 3; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
Chaos Warrior num = 5; mul = 4; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
Monk          num = 5; mul = 3; div = MAX(60, weapon_weight);
Tourist       num = 4; mul = 3; div = MAX(100, weapon_weight);
Imitator      num = 5; mul = 4; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
Beastmaster   num = 5; mul = 3; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
Cavalry(Ride) num = 5; mul = 4; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
Cavalry(Walk) num = 5; mul = 3; div = MAX(100, weapon_weight);
Sorcerer      num = 1; mul = 1; div = MAX(1, weapon_weight);
Archer        num = 4; mul = 2; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
Magic eater   num = 4; mul = 2; div = MAX(70, weapon_weight);
ForceTrainer  num = 4; mul = 2; div = MAX(60, weapon_weight);
Mirror Master num = 3; mul = 3; div = MAX(100, weapon_weight);
Ninja         num = 4; mul = 1; div = MAX(20, weapon_weight);
To get "P", we look up the relevant "adj_str_blow[]" (see above),
multiply it by "mul", and then divide it by "div".
Increase P by 1 if you wield a weapon two-handed.
Decrease P by 1 if you are a Ninja.
To get "D", we look up the relevant "adj_dex_blow[]" (see above),
The player gets "blows_table[P][D]" blows/round, as shown below,
up to a maximum of "num" blows/round, plus any "bonus" blows/round.

◆ cdd

const s16b cdd[8]
{ 2, 3, 6, 9, 8, 7, 4, 1 }

キーパッドの円環状方向配列 / Circular keypad direction array

◆ chaos_patrons

const cptr chaos_patrons[MAX_PATRON]

◆ chaos_rewards

const int chaos_rewards[MAX_PATRON][20]


◆ chaos_stats

const int chaos_stats[MAX_PATRON]
#define A_STR
Definition: defines.h:772
#define A_INT
Definition: defines.h:773
#define A_CON
Definition: defines.h:776
#define A_CHR
Definition: defines.h:777


◆ chest_traps

const int chest_traps[64]


Each chest has a certain set of traps, determined by pval
Each chest has a "pval" from 1 to the chest level (max 55)
If the "pval" is negative then the trap has been disarmed
The "pval" of a chest determines the quality of its treasure
Note that disarming a trap on a chest also removes the lock.

◆ class_info

const player_class class_info[MAX_CLASS]

職業情報 / Player Classes

     c_dis, c_dev, c_sav, c_stl, c_srh, c_fos, c_thn, c_thb,
     x_dis, x_dev, x_sav, x_stl, x_srh, x_fos, x_thn, x_thb,
     HD, Exp, pet_upkeep_div

◆ color_char

const cptr color_char = "dwsorgbuDWvyRGBU"

スクリーン表示色キャラクタ / Encode the screen colors

◆ color_names

const cptr color_names[16]

色名称テーブル / Hack – the "basic" color names (see "TERM_xxx")

◆ ddd

const s16b ddd[9]
{ 2, 8, 6, 4, 3, 1, 9, 7, 5 }

キーパッドの方向を南から反時計回り順に列挙 / Global array for looping through the "keypad directions"

◆ ddx

const s16b ddx[10]
{ 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1 }

dddで定義した順にベクトルのX軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for converting "keypad direction" into offsets

◆ ddx_cdd

const s16b ddx_cdd[8]
{ 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1 }

cdd越しにベクトルのX軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for optimizing "ddx[cdd[i]]" and "ddy[cdd[i]]"

◆ ddx_ddd

const s16b ddx_ddd[9]
{ 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0 }

ddd越しにベクトルのX軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for optimizing "ddx[ddd[i]]" and "ddy[ddd[i]]"

◆ ddy

const s16b ddy[10]
{ 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1 }

dddで定義した順にベクトルのY軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for converting "keypad direction" into offsets

◆ ddy_cdd

const s16b ddy_cdd[8]
{ 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1 }

cdd越しにベクトルのY軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for optimizing "ddx[cdd[i]]" and "ddy[cdd[i]]"

◆ ddy_ddd

const s16b ddy_ddd[9]
{ 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0 }

ddd越しにベクトルのY軸成分を定義 / Global arrays for optimizing "ddx[ddd[i]]" and "ddy[ddd[i]]"

◆ dragonbreath_info

const dragonbreath_type dragonbreath_info[]
= {
{ TR_RES_ACID, GF_ACID, _("酸", "acid") },
{ TR_RES_ELEC, GF_ELEC, _("電撃", "lightning") },
{ TR_RES_FIRE, GF_FIRE, _("火炎", "fire") },
{ TR_RES_COLD, GF_COLD, _("冷気", "cold") },
{ TR_RES_POIS, GF_POIS, _("毒", "poison") },
{ TR_RES_LITE, GF_LITE, _("閃光", "light") },
{ TR_RES_DARK, GF_DARK, _("暗黒", "dark") },
{ TR_RES_SHARDS, GF_SHARDS, _("破片", "shard") },
{ TR_RES_CONF, GF_CONFUSION, _("混乱", "confusion") },
{ TR_RES_SOUND, GF_SOUND, _("轟音", "sound") },
{ TR_RES_NEXUS, GF_NEXUS, _("因果混乱", "nexus") },
{ TR_RES_NETHER, GF_NETHER, _("地獄", "nether") },
{ TR_RES_CHAOS, GF_CHAOS, _("カオス", "chaos") },
{ TR_RES_DISEN, GF_DISENCHANT, _("劣化", "disenchant") },
{ 0, 0, NULL }
#define TR_RES_ELEC
Definition: defines.h:3277
#define GF_ELEC
Definition: defines.h:2965
#define TR_RES_LITE
Definition: defines.h:3282
#define GF_DARK
Definition: defines.h:2978
#define GF_CHAOS
Definition: defines.h:2989
#define GF_POIS
Definition: defines.h:2966
#define TR_RES_NEXUS
Definition: defines.h:3289
#define GF_NETHER
Definition: defines.h:2990
#define TR_RES_COLD
Definition: defines.h:3279
#define NULL
Definition: h-define.h:19
#define GF_COLD
Definition: defines.h:2968
#define TR_RES_POIS
Definition: defines.h:3280
Definition: defines.h:3287
Definition: defines.h:2991
#define GF_SHARDS
Definition: defines.h:2981
Definition: defines.h:2983
#define GF_ACID
Definition: defines.h:2967
#define GF_FIRE
Definition: defines.h:2969
#define TR_RES_SOUND
Definition: defines.h:3286
#define TR_RES_DARK
Definition: defines.h:3283
Definition: defines.h:5627
#define GF_NEXUS
Definition: defines.h:2992
#define TR_RES_CONF
Definition: defines.h:3285
#define GF_SOUND
Definition: defines.h:2982
#define TR_RES_FIRE
Definition: defines.h:3278
#define TR_RES_CHAOS
Definition: defines.h:3290
#define TR_RES_ACID
Definition: defines.h:3276
Definition: defines.h:3288
#define GF_LITE
Definition: defines.h:2977
#define TR_RES_DISEN
Definition: defines.h:3291

装備耐性に準じたブレス効果の選択テーブル / Define flags, effect type, name for dragon breath activation

◆ exp_level_str

const cptr exp_level_str[5]
{"[Unskilled]", "[Beginner]", "[Skilled]", "[Expert]", "[Master]"}


◆ extract_energy

const byte extract_energy[200]
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 36, 37, 37,
38, 38, 39, 39, 40, 40, 40, 41, 41, 41,
42, 42, 42, 43, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44, 44,
45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 46, 46, 46, 46, 46,
47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49,
49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49,

加速値による実質速度修正倍率テーブル / This table allows quick conversion from "speed" to "energy"

The basic function WAS ((S>=110) ? (S-110) : (100 / (120-S)))
Note that table access is *much* quicker than computation.
Note that the table has been changed at high speeds.  From
"Slow (-40)" to "Fast (+30)" is pretty much unchanged, but
at speeds above "Fast (+30)", one approaches an asymptotic
effective limit of 50 energy per turn.  This means that it
is relatively easy to reach "Fast (+30)" and get about 40
energy per turn, but then speed becomes very "expensive",
and you must get all the way to "Fast (+50)" to reach the
point of getting 45 energy per turn.  After that point,
furthur increases in speed are more or less pointless,
except to balance out heavy inventory.
Note that currently the fastest monster is "Fast (+30)".
It should be possible to lower the energy threshhold from
100 units to 50 units, though this may interact badly with
the (compiled out) small random energy boost code.  It may
also tend to cause more "clumping" at high speeds.

◆ fake_spell_flags

const u32b fake_spell_flags[4]

魔法領域フラグ管理テーブル / Zangband uses this array instead of the spell flags table, as there are 5 realms of magic, each with 4 spellbooks and 8 spells per book – TY

◆ feature_action_flags

const byte feature_action_flags[FF_FLAG_MAX]

地形状態フラグテーブル / The table of features' actions

◆ game_inscriptions

const cptr game_inscriptions[]
#define NULL
Definition: h-define.h:19

アイテムの価値記述テーブル / Table of game-generated inscriptions (indexed by the defines in defines.h).

– RG

◆ hexsym

const char hexsym[16]
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'

10進数から16進数への変換テーブル / Global array for converting numbers to uppercase hecidecimal digit This array can also be used to convert a number to an octal digit

◆ ident_info

const cptr ident_info[]

シンボル解説テーブル / The table of "symbol info" – each entry is a string of the form "X:desc" where "X" is the trigger, and "desc" is the "info".

◆ kamae_shurui

const kamae kamae_shurui[MAX_KAMAE]
{"Genbu", 25, "(Black Tortoise) "},
{"Byakko", 30, "(White Tiger) "},
{"Seiryuu", 35, "(Blue Dragon) "},
{"Suzaku", 40, "(Red Phoenix) "},


◆ kata_shurui

const kamae kata_shurui[MAX_KATA]
{"Iai", 25, ""},
{"Huujin", 30, ""},
{"Kouki", 35, ""},
{"Musou", 40, ""},


◆ listsym

const char listsym[]
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',

選択処理用キーコード / Global array for converting numbers to a logical list symbol

◆ ma_blows

const martial_arts ma_blows[MAX_MA]


◆ mbe_info

const mbe_info_type mbe_info[]

モンスターの打撃効力テーブル / The table of monsters' blow effects

◆ mimic_info

const player_race mimic_info[]


◆ monk_ave_damage

const int monk_ave_damage[PY_MAX_LEVEL+1][3]


◆ monster_powers

const monster_power monster_powers[MAX_MONSPELLS]


level, smana, fail, manedam, manefail, use_stat, name

◆ monster_powers_short

const cptr monster_powers_short[MAX_MONSPELLS]


◆ option_info

const option_type option_info[]

オプションテーブル / Available Options

◆ owners

闘技場のモンスターID及び報酬アイテムテーブル / Store owners (exactly four "possible" owners per store, chosen randomly)

{ name, purse, max greed, min greed, haggle_per, tolerance, race, unused }
Lifted extra shopkeepers from CthAngband (don't you just love open source
development? ;-)). Since this gave less than 32 unique names for some
shops, those have their first x names copied to reach 32.
For the weapon and armour shops, several owners have a limit of 5k.
I want to do 50k owners, but the purse is currently s16b. Perhaps
we should just store 1/10th of the purse?

◆ player_exp

const s32b player_exp[PY_MAX_LEVEL]

基本必要経験値テーブル / Base experience levels, may be adjusted up for race and/or class

◆ player_exp_a

const s32b player_exp_a[PY_MAX_LEVEL]


◆ player_title

const cptr player_title[MAX_CLASS][PY_MAX_LEVEL/5]

職業とレベル毎のプレイヤー称号テーブル / Class titles for the player.

The player gets a new title every five levels, so each class
needs only ten titles total.

◆ race_info

const player_race race_info[MAX_RACES]

種族情報 / Player Races

     r_dis, r_dev, r_sav, r_stl, r_srh, r_fos, r_thn, r_thb,
     hitdie, exp base,
     Age (Base, Mod),
     Male (Hgt, Wgt),
     Female (Hgt, Wgt)

◆ realm_choices1

const s32b realm_choices1[MAX_CLASS]


◆ realm_choices2

const s32b realm_choices2[MAX_CLASS]


◆ realm_names

const cptr realm_names[]
= {

◆ seikaku_info

const player_seikaku seikaku_info[MAX_SEIKAKU]

性格情報 / Player Character

◆ sex_info

const player_sex sex_info[MAX_SEXES]

性別表記 / Player Sexes


◆ silly_attacks

const cptr silly_attacks[MAX_SILLY_ATTACK]

幻覚時の打撃記述テーブル / Weird melee attack types when hallucinating

◆ stat_names

const cptr stat_names[6]
"STR : ", "INT : ", "WIS : ", "DEX : ", "CON : ", "CHR : "

能力値テーブル / Abbreviations of healthy stats

◆ stat_names_reduced

const cptr stat_names_reduced[6]
"Str : ", "Int : ", "Wis : ", "Dex : ", "Con : ", "Chr : "

能力値テーブル(能力低下時) / Abbreviations of damaged stats

◆ technic_info

const magic_type technic_info[NUM_TECHNIC][32]


◆ window_flag_desc

const cptr window_flag_desc[32]


Certain "screens" always use the main screen, including News, Birth,
Dungeon, Tomb-stone, High-scores, Macros, Colors, Visuals, Options.
Later, special flags may allow sub-windows to "steal" stuff from the
main window, including File dump (help), File dump (artifacts, uniques),
Character screen, Small scale map, Previous Messages, Store screen, etc.
The "ctrl-i" (tab) command flips the "Display inven/equip" and "Display
equip/inven" flags for all windows.
The "ctrl-g" command (or pseudo-command) should perhaps grab a snapshot
of the main screen into any interested windows.